Chapter 20

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Derek left the house as soon as he could and asked James to drive him to his destination while he put up the disguises on himself. He took a hat some blond hair wig and dark glasses even though it was night.

James parked the car a couple of meters away from the warehouse. James followed Derek with two guns tucked in his waistband. Derek entered and took in the surroundings of the place. There was a kind of glass wall in the middle of the warehouse. It wasn't that big but it was not dirty or musty smelling.

It was the place where Willy worked and kept his stuff. The warehouse also served as his office. To the whole world, Willy was a businessman but for Derek, he was an investigator. Investigation was Willy's favorite job.

Derek entered the other side of the glass panel where there were a desk and two chairs in front of it. Willy sat behind the desk. At his back were different flat panel monitors showing surveillance footages of different places such as the warehouse, Derek's personal office, and Willy's home.
"Good evening sir." Willy greeted him as he stood up and shook Derek's hand.

"Good evening will. Where's our guy?" He asked impatiently.

"This way. Follow me."He said as he led the way. The room was much smaller. The door was made of tough steel and barred like that of a prison cell. The room was dimly lit with two chairs in the middle of the room.

A young man in his mid-thirties sat there with his hands and feet tied to the chair with tape. His head hung low. He had dark brown hair and thick facial hair. He wore a red shirt which was torn by the sleeves maybe as a result of use of force.

Willy took a glass of water which was sitting on the chair and splashed the water on Daniel's face. Daniel woke up with a gasp.
"What do you want? Leave me!" He said as he got his voice back.

"Don't move and shut your mouth. Why were you stalking Emily Brookes?" Willy said as he asked him angrily.

Derek stood in the shadows of the room and because of the dark clothes he blended very well with the surroundings. He kept listening to Daniel.

"How do you know her?" Asked Daniel with a confused look.

"She is my love. I love her. She was my fiance and she left me a few months back because I hit her. I didn't mean to hit her. I was drunk and it was just a mistake." He said as he looked at Derek who came out of the shadows.

"Who are you? Why have you kept me here?" He asked looking directly at Derek. 

Willy slapped Daniel right across the face. His hand left a mark on Daniel's cheek. Derek motioned Willy to free Daniel's limbs. Willy looked at him confused but then did as he was told.

"Thank you. They're hurting now." He said as he rubbed his wrists.

"Sit" Derek ordered Daniel. Daniel tried to run out of the room. Derek made sure to keep a safe distance from him. James was standing behind Daniel. He immediately pulled out his knife and put it on his neck.

"Where are you trying to go? I think you didn't hear the boss correctly. Sit!" He said as he forced Daniel to sit in his seat.

Daniel sat and Derek sat in front of him with his left ankle crossed over his right knee. He sat there relaxed and quietly observed Daniel. Daniel felt his gaze on him and squirmed in his seat.

"What did you do to Emily? Why did you hurt her?!" He said calmly. He didn't want to hurt Daniel more than he already was.
"Look, Daniel, if you tell me why you hurt Emily then I'll let you go. You wouldn't want to mess with me. I'll have every charge put on you. Rape, murder, theft, mugging, drugs and any other criminal charge you can think of. I'll have it pinned on you and you will rot in jail for the whole of your life. "He said as he extended a tissue to a sweating Daniel.

"Thanks" Daniel murmured as he accepted the tissue and dabbed his perspiring forehead with it.
"You will tell me each and every detail about what happened between you and Emily until now. Do you understand me? Yes or no?" Derek said as he flashed anger in his voice.

"I met Emily when she worked for Mrs. Wilson at a charity lunch. Mrs. Wilson showed off Emily. I am Mrs. Wilson's only nephew. She was my aunt. Emily still doesn't know that. I got closer to Emily to know her better. I wanted my aunt's property. She was a filthy rich old hag. She didn't have any family of her own. I pretended to be interested in Emily but she was not my type.  After my aunt died, Emily got all her fortune. I was angry. I had wanted it. When I told Emily who I was, she refused to give me my share. I was angry. I was drunk and I tied her up and asked her to sign off but she didn't budge. I beat her but she didn't budge. Then someone called the cops because the bitch was screaming a lot. I was put into an asylum but I left it. Now I won't leave her. She will pay for what she did." He finished.

"Why did you go to Emily's house?" Asked Derek.

"I wanted her to sign off but she was still adamant. She's just a piece of crap who got what wasn't hers. I hurt her because she wouldn't listen to me. She deserves it. " Daniel said as he looked straight into the darkness.
"Stay away from Emily if you do not want to get a life sentence." Said Derek as he slapped Daniel twice on either side of his face.

"This is for touching Emily. "He said as he punched him square in the face and left one of Willy's men to clean Daniel and take him to the asylum.

"Make the in charge talk to me after you've left him there." He instructed Willy as he left for home.

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