Chapter 6

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"Let's put this one here, I don't think I have any more space in my room to accommodate this box,"  she said as Derek put the box containing her books in her living room.

"I never thought you'd be strong enough to carry all those boxes inside all by yourself. I'm impressed. " Derek smiled.

"Mr. Derek, I've always been thought of as a weakling by people around me and that has given me the energy. Never judge a book by its cover," she said.

"Ms.Emily, I'm sorry if I made you remember something awful. I didn't mean it." He said apologetically.

"Its alright Derek.  You didn't know."  she waved him off. Derek had seen her face when she was saying all that to him. It did matter to her. He had hurt her.

Derek was sad because he always thought that he could control his mouth. Now his mouth had caused someone grief.

" This one is the last box," he announced as he put the box on the kitchen counter.

" Thank you so much, Derek.  I appreciate all the work that you did for me today. Even though you just got off the work."  she said with a smile.

"Come sit. It's hot in here after all the work we've done today. I should get you something to drink. I don't have too much groceries. In fact, I have hardly anything." she said as she bent down to look for something in her fridge.

" It's okay. We can go to my house. I have plenty of supplies. We can have something there." he suggested.

"As much as I don't want to be a piece of extra baggage, I'd love to see your house and probably share your grocery too," she said with a cheeky smile.

"No problem. I haven't had a girl in my house ever. So you're the first one. Please don't feel awkward. Besides, I would love to share my supplies with you. What's a neighbor for if he can't help his other neighbor?"  he said with a smile as he stood up from his seat.

They walked together towards his house after securing her place.

Derek unlocked his door and stood on a side to let her pass through.

"Ladies first please," he said with a slight smile.

"What a gentleman you are!" she exclaimed as she stepped inside.

Emily looked around the place and it was nothing like those bachelor pads or penthouses. It was homey. It was comfortable.

The walls were colored stark white to give the house a spacious feeling. Paintings adorned each and every wall. Expensive French paintings hung on two of the walls. One wall had small paintings scattered all over it. Different paintings but abstract. She was curious to know about the artist who made them.

Emily didn't know much about art but she had a spark for it and she had a fair knowledge of famous paintings. She was looking around in awe when suddenly someone snapped their fingers in front of her eyes. It was Derek standing there.

"You look quite engrossed to pay attention to what I was saying,"  he said

"Uh... Yeah, I am sorry. I just love paintings and I think you have some of the rarest pieces of art on display here." she said

"Yeah. They are some of the finest and rarest pieces of art. I inherited them from my father after his death." he said as he tried not to ruin the pleasant moment by remembering foul memories.

"Oh, I am so sorry to hear that. May his soul rest in peace. By the way, what were you saying?" she asked after offering her condolences.

"I have orange juice and a few beers in the fridge. What would you like to drink? Or would you prefer having something warm? Coffee or hot chocolate?"  he asked

"I think orange juice would be fine not that I'm trying to avoid beer but I don't want to have any drinks in your presence. I don't handle my drinking very well," she said embarrassed.

"Oh, it's okay, Ms. Emily. I'll get you your drink. Please have a seat. Make yourself comfortable."  he said as he went to get their drinks.

Emily murmured thanks as he brought their drinks. They were sitting comfortably across each other when suddenly Emily spoke.

" Do you live here all alone?" she asked him

"Yeah. Why? Do you feel uncomfortable in my presence if I live alone, Ms. Emily?" he asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Umm no not really," she asked shaking her nervousness off. Something was about this man. It was sparking her curiosity.  She had seen him somewhere but she couldn't recall where.

"Tell me something about yourself," he asked.

"There's nothing very impressive to tell you about me." she stared at her glass.

"Ms. Emily, I'm interested to know about everything you want to tell. Impressive or not," he said in a business-like tone.

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