chapter 26

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Maria announced the wedding to be held in attendance of only close friends and relatives. The wedding was to be held within a month of engagement.

Derek had marked Emily as his woman with his mother's ring. Emily was very scared at first to wear it daily but Derek threatened her to wear it every time because he did not want anyone to make an advance on what was his. Derek was quite possessive about her.

Derek was never shy to show affection towards her in public. He always held her hand and kissed her cheek as their public display of affection. It took all the patience in him when Emily refused to let him kiss her. She wanted to give her everything to the man who was going to be her husband. He respected her wishes with all her heart but he had to be patient because patience bears its own fruit.

One month was too little to plan a wedding for the Stevenson family's only son. Maria stayed as calm as anything. She wasn't slightly worried about the arrangements. Because she had Alice doing everything for her. She wanted Alice to pursue her dreams. Alice always wanted to be a designer. Since childhood, she had sketchbooks and colors with her.  In them, she used to draw some very beautiful designs. The girl was talented but she studied media instead of designing. Alice always wanted to be a part of her family's empire but Robert never wanted her daughter to work. He always treated her like a china doll.

Alice wasn't allowed to mingle with too many boys and for the very reason, she was homeschooled until she went to high school. It was the first time, she interacted with men other than her family and staff.

She had a cousin, George. George was Maria's cousin's son. So they were distant cousins. But they were very close to each other. George always helped Alice with whatever she wanted. He was a graduate from Harvard too.

First, both Alice and George were friends. As time passed, their friendship took another step and they became lovers. Alice was a sweet girl but she had the power to see through people like her father. 

One day, after Derek's engagement, Alice left the office for lunch. She was crossing the road to go towards her car when suddenly a car sped towards her and before she could move hit her. The driver fled the scene. The security guards at the door rushed towards Alice. She was lying there in a pool of blood. There were not many people at that time. Alice was rushed to the hospital. Derek was in a meeting with some clients. The security guards informed Emily. Emily was scared to her core. She gathered herself and knocked on the door to the conference room.

"Mr.Derek, may I have a word with you? It's important." She said as she opened the door slightly and rounded her head through the gap.

"Yes...okay. I'm coming." He said as he paused the presentation going on the flat panel display.

"Excuse me, gentlemen, I'll be right back." He said as he left the conference room.

"Emily, what happened? Is everything okay? Are you alright? Why do you look flushed?" He asked as he searched her face for a hint.

"Its Alice. She's been hit. We need to go to the hospital, right now." She said it all in one go.

"What do you mean she's been hit? Is she okay?" He asked as his voice rose a notch.

"Let's go, Emily. We don't have time to waste." He said as he took his hand and pulled her towards the door.

"Wait! You've got clients in there. At least, explain to them the situation." She said

"They can go to hell. I don't care about anyone right now. I just want to be with my sister." He said as she gave him water to drink.

"You sit here, I'll handle them. Don't move until I'm back." She said as she took him to his office and made him sit on the couch. Derek had gone numb.

"Excuse me, gentlemen. I am Emily Brookes, Mr. Stevenson's PA. Mr.Stevenson had an urgent family emergency so he had to leave. He says he'll reschedule this meeting some other time and let you know. He apologizes to all of you for the disturbance." Emily told the clients.

"It's alright. We expect a call from you as soon as this emergency issue is sorted, Ms. Brookes. " said one of the clients.

"Sure,sir. I'll let him know." She said with a reassuring smile.

She hurried back to her office and collected her things. Derek was ready as if on cue. They reached the hospital. There, they found Maria sitting with George and Taylor. Maria was very calm and composed but as soon as she saw Derek,  she hugged him and cried her heart out.

"Shh....mother, Alice is strong. Nothing will happen to our Alice. What did the doctor say?" He said as he calmed her down.

"Doctor is operating her head. She's got quite a serious wound there. My baby is all broken. She's been hit so badly. Derek, you should've seen her. She was bleeding all over." Maria said as she sobbed. Emily hugged her and held her.

"It's going to be alright, Maria. Alice is your daughter. She's strong like you are. Please don't worry about her. She wouldn't like it if you worry about her." Emily said as she rubbed her back.

"A mother is a mother. No matter how strong she is but there is a breaking point in her life. That breaking point is her children. She can make or break anything for her children. She goes to any lengths for her children. You may not understand me now, Emily. But the day your own child is in your lap. You will remember my words." Maria said to Emily as she drank water Derek had asked Taylor to bring for her.

"Yes, Maria. I can not understand your pain right now because nobody can judge you for what you are going through. You are going through it and nobody can understand your pain until they go through it like you are." Emily said.

"I'm sure I'll be a wonderful mother if I have such a strong mother to teach me and lead me every step of the way," Emily said as she took Maria's hand and kissed it affectionately.

"Emily's right,mother," Derek said and put his head on Maria's shoulder. Emily did the same.

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