Chapter 22

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Harold drove them to the hospital.

So they reached the hospital. Both Derek and Emily got out of the car quickly to get each other attended at the hospital. Derek grabbed Emily by the hand and they rushed towards the emergency.

"Derek look at your arm! It's you who needs assistance. I'm fine." said Emily.

They got to the emergency. "Doctor, can you please take a look at her? she's hurt."Said Derek.

"No doctor, I'm fine first you stop his bleeding." Argued Emily.

With this argument, it was clearly visible how much they cared for each other. An hour passed. Both of them were attended by the hospital personnel. Derek's hand had a bandage now and Emily's bruises were also taken care of.

Walking back to the car, Emily had tears in her eyes. Derek saw that.

"What's wrong Emily? I can't see tears in your eyes. You know that right?" He asked as he held her chin and looked directly into her beautiful eyes.

"I'm just thinking about what would have happened if you didn't reach there on time." Replied Emily.

"No no no don't think like that. I wouldn't have let anything to happen to you and besides, it's past now. Forget it. Everything is okay now." Said Derek as he hugged her and smelt her wonderful scent. Derek was always fascinated by how she could manage to smell so fresh every time.

"I can't thank you enough for what you did for me, Derek. I will remain thankful to you forever." Said Emily gratefully.

They went home and changed their clothes. Both Emily and Derek were hungry.

"You want some dinner? I'm heating some of the leftovers." Said Emily as she brushed her hair. Derek looked at her lovingly.

"Why do you keep staring at me? It's creepy, Derek. " Emily said as she finished brushing her hair and turned around.

"Because I'm thinking about how lucky I am to have you." He said standing up from the bed and came closer to her to hold her hand.

"Not now. I'm so hungry and I can't wait to have my dinner. You're delaying me." She said as she playfully pushed him back and ran all the way to the kitchen.

Derek and Emily ate their dinner together. After dinner, they cleaned the kitchen and watched a movie together. They sat in the living room, cuddled together and cherished each other's presence.

"You know I can never get tired of holding you like this in my arms." Said Derek as he placed a kiss on her hand.

"Me too. I can't ever get tired of sitting so close to you so that I can listen to your heartbeats. "Said Emily as she rested her head on Derek's chest. The rest of the night went by. It was a beautiful night which confirmed one thing, they couldn't live without each other.

Author's note :
Sorry, it's a short update. I really apologize.

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