Strengths and Weaknesses

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This is a request from @AllyFanfiction.
The room was dark and the only thing to be heard was whispers from the room next door. The bottom of the ground was cement but covered in dirt. Peter sat huddled in a corner sleeping with his hands chained to a wall. In the cell next to Peter's Tony sat chained to the wall with his head on his knees. He was scared. Not scared. Terrified. He knew they had Peter. Spider-Man. His son. Tears fell from his eyes, they are going to hurt Peter. What if they ki- him. He wasn't able to say kill even in his mind. He tried to tell his self that Peter wasn't going to die. But then he thought about it again. What else would they do with him? They kidnapped him. Fear consumed Tony's body and he felt as if he was falling into a endless whole of pain, sadness, and fear. He needs Peter. The world needs Peter. More tears leaked out of his eyes. He would die right now for Peter to get out of here. Peter didn't deserve this.
Peters head snapped up and his eyes opened. Where is he? Then he remembered. Black masks. Pain. Peter tried to move his hand but noticed the heavy chains. To heavy to break. With his enhanced hearing he could make out the sound of whimpers. Who else is here?
Then he heard a small voice, "Please don't hurt him, please. Do anything you want with me. But. Don't.  Hurt. Him." A low voice chuckles then their was a sickening crack. Tony.
"DAD!" Peter yelled than begin to sob. Thoughts raced through his mind. Fear. Numbness. The fear made him numb and tears escaped his eyes. No not dad. Kept running through Peters mind. He lost so much in his life, and Tony was the only person that could keep the young kid from breaking. But when he is gone Peter will crumble like an old brick wall, and shatter into a million piece, never to be put back together again.
The door flies open, a stream of light from the hall spilling into the dark cell where Peter lays. He feels himself being tugged into a standing position then dragged blindly along.
"My dad!" He exclaims his voice cracking. The guard on the left opens another door. The man in the back corner lifts his eyes up, blood soaking through his shirt. Peter recognizes the man as his dad.
"Dad!" Peter screams and breaks the guards grips, "Are you ok."
"Peter..." Tony says trailing off. The guard kicks Peter in the side causing him to sprawl out on the floor. "PETER!" Tony exclaims fighting against his changes to get to his son. The Sam guard then pushes Peter against a wall and handcuffs him to it. From his back pocket. A knife. "STOP!" Tony shrieks.
"Make a noise and so will hurt him more, that goes for either of you." The other guard says and doing the same to Tony as they did to Peter. The guards stand off to the sides of the bodies so Peter and Tony are able to stare at each other. The guards raise the knife and pushes it into the prisoners skin, sticky red substance following out. A long red line followed. They couldn't feel their own pain but instead they felt the pain of watching the other suffer.
"Take me. Not him." The prisoner called out to the guard who smirked.  The other guard moved from the man he was torturing.
"No stop! Take me" the guard ignored him. Time stopped as knife hovered over his throat. Their was no time to say anything before a bright light then what seemed like infinite darkness.
A/N PLEASE read the part two of this chapter. Don't stop reading because it might not be what you think. Thanks for reading!

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