Big Brother Bucky

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Bucky sat on the couch by himself staring blankly at the TV. He couldn't figure out how to change the dang channel so he was stuck watching Dance Moms. He is blown away by the dancing.... But he can't stand the moms. And this episode just so happens to have a two piece in it. Tony was out with Pepper, Clint and Natasha where on a date, they both denied it but it was definitely a date. Steve is on a two day mission in New Zealand. Wanda and Vision are on vacation as well as Sam. Ant man is at his house with his family. Today it was just Bucky and Peter. Bucky didn't mind though. He likes the kid and almost feels like his big brother. Honestly, he wonders, how does anybody hate that kid.
Bucky was still seated on the couch watching his 3rd episode of dance moms. A figure dropped down from the ceiling and Buck shrieked and fell off the couch. Peter lays on clutching his stomach and laughing.
"FRIDAY, you get that on video?"
"Of course Master Peter." Bucky groaned his face still pushed into the floor.
"Why are you watching dance moms?" Peter asked raising an eyebrow.
"The better question is why aren't you watching dance moms. Ok, well actually I well uh I don'tknowhowtochangetgechanel!" Bucky mumbles still facing the floor. Peter starts to laugh again then directs FRIDAY to turn on The Middle. Bucky finally sat up  and moved to the couch, Peter following him. As a funny part comes up in the show, the two start laughing, only to be interrupted by Peters Stomach growling.
"Welp, I guess we should make something... How about..." they both look at each other then yell,
"PANCAKES." They move to the kitchen but continue to watch their show.
"So we probably need, flower, sugar, and eggs," Peter states walking to the fridge to grab some ingredients.
"Butter! Butter is out in a lot of stuff right? Oh and Steve puts chocolate chips in his pancakes... they are amazing," Peter nods and continues grabbing stuff from all around the kitchen.
"Aunt May used to put vanilla extract in hers," PEter states putting all the ingredients in the center of the table and then a bowl and a stirring spoon.
"We should probably put the Butter in the microwave for like thirty seconds," Bucky takes the bowl and walks over to the microwave and presses the buttons to start it. Peter rummages through a cabinet,
"AH HA!" He says holding up the measuring cups victoriously. Bucky shakes his head and takes the butter out of the microwave and dumps it in the bowl.
"So uh, we usually need tons and tons of flour so I was thinking like five cups?" Bucky questions picking up the measuring cup and scooping it into the flour and dumping into the bowl. Now the bowl was basically a lump of flour with some not so soft butter under it. Peter takes the spoon and starts to stir the butter into the flour. But the flower puffs all over Bucky. "HEY!" He shrieks at Peter. He then takes a handful of flour and throws  it in Peters face. The white powdery substance (A/N that Sounds so sketchy) flies all over. Peter then grabs a handful and throws it all over Bucky's Black shirt. Soon the kitchen and the two guys are covered with flour, and another two cups of flour has been unintentionally added to the batter. Peter stomach growls again.
"Uhh, lets continue cooking cause I starving," the kid pouts and grabs four eggs to crack into the batter. "Aww Shit!" Peter exclaims sticking his hand in the bowl to fish out the shell.
"Stop... I got this," Bucky says frantically while rolling up his sleeves and cracking his neck. He grabs one of the eggshells and uses it to scoop out the smaller piece. Once he is done he throws the shells away and bows for Peter.
"You a genius!" He exclaims to the elder. Bucky just nods and grabs the measuring up to throw in two cups of sugar. After all the ingredients are in... including the 1/3 cup of vanilla extract Peter and Bucky take turns stirring. After it was mixed they had to transfer it into a bigger bowl so they could mix it without it overflowing.
"I think their ready!"
"Uh, Pete... do you think we made a little much?" Bucky asks starting down at the He huge bowl that is filled to the top.
"I'm hungry anyways." Bucky turned on the griddle and rubbed some oil across it with his medal arm. He pours five pancakes on them puts a handful of chocolate chips on each one. One the batter becomes bibles he flip the pancakes. After about twenty minuets of cooking them Peter puts them under the food warmer on the far side of the kitchen. Then Peter gets a devious grin on his face. He walks over to the fridge and grabs three magnets. He then walks over to Bucky and places them on his arm. Peter bites his lip so he doesn't start laughing and casually walks back to the island they cooked on and put the eggs and butter back in the fridge. Bucky noticed three things sticking to his medal arm as he put the pancakes on the plate.
"PETER! I though we where clear. No putting magnets on my arm without my permission!" Bucky Rios the magnets off and throw them at a smirking Peter. He then begins another batch of pancakes. Peter again takes the pancakes to the food warmer. Ding! The elevator beeps as Tony and Pepper walk out.
"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY KITCHEN," Tony screams his face red with anger. Peter shrugs as he realizes the mess in the kitchen. Flour coats the counter tips and is all over the floor. The sugar container is on its side causing the sugar to fall out. Next to the spilled sugar is a puddle of vanilla extract. Some of the butter is smeared against the fridge handle and oil is spilled on the counter next to Bucky.
"We made pancakes!" Peter responds making Bucky chuckle but Tony and Pepper frown. 
"Wait... hold the phone..... you guys where my supposed to be home until 5,"
"It's 5:32," FRIDAY states. Peter and Bucky stare at each other.
"We've been making pancakes for nearly 7 hours!" Peter says in shock. Bucky slowly nods. Then an unpleasant burning smell cover the room. Bucky immediately flips the pancakes.
"Ha!" Tony exclaims looking down and the chard pancakes. Bucky shrugs and throws them away. 
"We have one hundred more," Tony starts to laugh at the 'joke' but the spots the food warmer. Stacks and stacks of pancakes are under the warming light and his and Peppers mouth falls open in shock. Peter runs the back of his neck and takes the last plate of pancakes over to the warmer. Bucky mo es to grab syrup, and whip cream to put on their pancakes. Peter grabs two large trays used for parties and loads the pancakes on the sets two plates in the tray and carries it over to the table and sits across from Bucky. Peter hands Bucky a plate then puts five pancakes on his plate and dumps syrup on top then puts on enough whip cream for at least 10 pancakes. He takes a bite then groans Bucky chuckles and takes a bit of his. He too groans earning a laugh from Peter. Tony tries to grab a pancake but Peter quickly slaps away his hand. Tony pout a little bit then follows Pepper up to his room (hehe).
"Best. Pancakes. Ever." PEter says through a mouthful.
2 hours 112 pancakes, one bottle of syrup, and two cans of whip cream later the basically brothers finished all of the pancakes. Then another four hours later cleaned up the kitchen and dragged their feet over to the couch where the middle still pays on the tv. Both Bucky and Peter fall against each other and fall into a deep sleep.
A/N I never would have thought one could right 1372 words about making pancakes... but yet here we are. If you have any shop suggests lmk, it doesn't have to be just Peter.... BTW I am fine writing Stony and Spideypool as well. If you don't like one of the ships I write then just skip that chapter. Thanks for reading

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