New York

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Peter sat in class staring at his phone. The rest of the class was talking amongst them selves frantically. The teacher sat in the front of the class holding her heads in her hands. Then the teacher put on the news. Peters eyes became foggy with tears. Dad. He thought. Nobody... not even the other avengers new Tony had a son. But he does. Peter. The rest of the class became silent now staring at the screen. Aliens where crowding the streets of New York, the Avengers stood in a circle fighting them off. Ironman shot at the Aliens. Well Ironman to everybody but Dad to Peter. The young stark desperately tries not to cry. That's my dad... What if he-? No he will be fine. He is iron man. But what if-? Voices in his head scream at Peter. A loud buzz snaps Peter from his though causing the class to send him death stares. His phone says Dad. Peter smiles and answers the phone.
"Hi dad," Peter says.
"Look Peter, I love you so much. But O have to save New York," on the screen Ironman red and gold suit is flying towards the portal. No.
"Dad please don't," Peter chokes and tears run down his face.
"Tell Pepper Love her Pete. You are the best kid ever don't let anybody tell you different." Peter begins to sob. No. Dad. The line turns into static.
"NO DAD!" He yells as Ironman flies into the portal. Peter stands up and pushes the chair back. The class looks at him in shock and he vaguely hears people telling him to stop but he just keeps sprinting. Peter sprints down the hall. Outside of the school, the streets are torn up and buildings are toppled over. Some reporters walk around the street. Peter just keeps running. Then a red and gold figure falls from the sky.
"Dad!" Peter yells still crying. He runs even faster. Tony lands on the ground with a thud. As Peter is about to reach him two strong arms pull him back.
"Where are you going?" PEter looks up. Then he sighs. Captain America.
"My dad!" Peter exclaims desperately. The other Avengers are circled around Peter so he can't see his dad.
"All civilians are safe," PEter tries to go forward once more but is held back again.
"My dad isn't a civilian." Steve freezes and stares at the kid. One word keeps running through Peters mind. Dad. Without thinking Peter turns to slap Cap across the face. Steve stands in shock but Peter sprints coward and roughly pushes the Avengers out of the way. They stand their mouth hanging open staring at the kid. Peter kneels down by the still unconscious Ironman.
"Dad. Please wake up. I love you too." Tear escape Peters eyes. He can't be dead. Peter leans over to hug Tony's body and puts his face in the cool medal of the suit and begins to sob. Then he feels an arm wrap around him. "Dad?"
"Hey Peter what's up," Tony says smirking at Peter.
"Your awake! Your not dead!" Peter yells. Tony chuckles and pulls the kid a little tighter. After a minuet he pulls away and looks around at the other Avengers. Then Peter remembers something.
"Oh my gosh! Captain Rogers Sir, I'm so sorry for slapping you I just wanted to get to my dad." Everybody looks at him in shock. Then Steve slowly nods.
"You slapped Captain freaking America?" Tony asks staring at Peter wide eyes. The kid blushes then says,
"He didn't know I'm your son so he wouldn't let me by you so I slapped him and here I am." Peter says shrugging. Tony starts to laugh and tries to sit up. Peter then stands to help Tony up.
"Do you guys want to get some Shawarma?" Tony asks. The Avengers are still just staring not knowing what to say.
"I take that as a yes?" Tony says looking over at Peter who is nodding his head up and down so fast Tony swears it's going to fall off. Clint is finally able to say something.
"What's Shawarma?"
A/N I hope you like this chapter! Should I write a part two wear they go to eat Shawarma? Thanks for reading.

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