Field Trip or Just Home

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A/N Hey guys, this is another request by @lauranlovesanime and @Kiara242002 ! Thank you so much for everybody who has been giving me requests, and to everybody for reading and voting on this story!


"As you are all aware today we are taking out field trip to Stark Tower!" The teacher exclaims. Everybody cheers back, well besides Peter that is. Instead he groans and drags his feet onto the bus.

"What's wrong Penis? Scared we are going to find out the truth?" Peter groans and tries to ignore Flash on the ride to the tower. What if the find out he is a Stark? What if the Avengers embarrass him? What if they find out he is Spiderman? Ned looks like an excited puppy but also slightly nervous for his friend. Ned has never been to Peter's house before, but he has met Peters family on two occasions. Peter leans his head on the window and stares at his surroundings that blurs together as the bus picks up speed.

All of a sudden the bus lurches forward and Peter's heart starts to pound. The tall building covered in windows towers above them. The class excluding Peter stare up at in shock. What can he say, yes his house is amazing, but you get used of it after a while. The teacher holds the door as the kids file in the class. Inside is just as amazing if not better, their are white tiles and a huge front desk off to the side. Going off the spacious empty way are a series of hall ways, and straight ahead is the elevator. Peter knows his way through the top 20 floors, but below that is a mystery. Peter is ok with that though because the upstairs labs are much cooler.

"Hello! You must be Midtown High, my name is Miss. Brun and I will be your tour guide today. First I will pass out the badges, you will all need one to go beyond this room, and once the tour is over you badges will be suspended and if you try sneaking in an alarm will go off." Peter recognizes the tour guide, Megan Brun, she is a level 5 out of 6 level intern. Peter quickly takes out his badge from his pocket and clips it on his shirt, even though he doesn't need it. The class all clips their badge on and wears in like a gold medal. Peter glances at the floor and then notices something. His badge says Peter Stark. Quickly he removes the badge and shoves it back in his pocket before anybody can see it. "Alright so we are going to start with lab tours of the first floor, Dr. Banner and Mr. Stark requested to do the lab tours, and the rest of the Avengers will show up for lunch. So let's begin." At the word Avenger the class whippers around the room and bounces excitedly on their feet. Peter groans quietly to himself and thinks, My. Life. Is. Over. The tour guide leads us into the elevator. The class gasps as FRIDAY begins to talk,

"Hello Peter! Where would you like to go today?" Peter's face becomes red and his class gasps and looks at him. Flash just rolls his eyes and starts to snicker at him.

"Uh, FRIDAY, please take us to level one," Friday doesn't respond but the elevator starts to move. It then stops and the class walks out. On this floor their is four giant labs. One doesn't have a window, and that is for elements that need to be kept cold, but the rest have one giant window on the front and then a large garage door incase they need to get anything big in or out. Miss. Brun types in a code that opens the door. The class stares in shock as they see Tony Stark and Bruce Banner waiting for them in the middle. Tony smirks and nods towards Peter, Peter just slightly nods. Nobody noticed except for Ned who stares at Peter.

"Hello Midtown High! I would introduce us, but you already know who we are," Peter rolls his eyes.

"Mr. Parker, behave yourself," the teacher hisses at Peter. Peter's face becomes a bright shade of red as Tony smirks, Bruce tries not to laugh. Flash leans over at whispers into Peter's ear,

"You better behave yourself, Penis," Flash the chuckles and walks back to the front of the class. Tony shoots Peter a glare but he just shakes his head and Stark hesitantly continues,

"Alright..." Peter tunes out the speech, this is boring compared to what he does with his dad. His thinking is interrupted by Ned poking him in the arm.
"Do you want to be my partner?" Peter furrows his eyebrow,
"Yeah but for what," Ned looks at him strangely,
"The challenge... Robots," Peter eyes lights up in realization but then frowns again. He designed this game. Peter leads Ned as far away from Tony as possible.
"I made this challenge," Peter says casually picking up a piece of the robot.
"Wait what?" Ned looks at him in shock. Then he slightly turns and is greeted by his one and only Dad.
"So Peter, is this challenge to hard for you?" Then he laughs. Peter frowns and crosses his arms.
"Why don't you and Ned go get Dum-E?" Ned is speechless and looks as if he is about to faint.
"Isn't that a little suspicious?" He asks Tony.
"Ned looks like he wants to." Ned shakes his head super hard and Peter sighs and gets up. The two of them walk down the hall and I to the elevator. Ned has to wait outside the lab so the alarm doesn't go off. Peter tells Dum-E to walk with him, the robot to follow him. Once he is back out side the lab Ned is still at a loss for words so Peter walks down the hall Ned and Dum-E following code behind.
After Peter and Ned leave Tony walks around a little while before standing next to Bruce in the middle.
"Boss, Peter is going into your lab and taking Dum-E." The class jumps, then gasps then looks over to where the two where once sitting.
"I told him to FRIDAY," Tony replies. The class gasps again then one kid by the name of Eugene.
"Parker, Pen- Peter Parker?" He asks in shock.
"That's the one. He is my personal intern." The class gasps again and Tony rolls his eyes. Bruce just looks down at his clipboard. The door opens getting every bodies attention. Then in walks Peter and Ned with Dum-E.
"Hey Peter, as the amazing intern you are would you explain to your class Dum-E?" Peter stares for a while but then nods and launches into a full explanation.
Uh oh. It's Lunch time. All the other students where buzzing with excitement but Peter was nervous. Abruptly, all conversation stopped. In walked the Avengers.
"You probably got the job because of pity, Penis." Flash whispers. Peter ignores him.
"Petey! I didn't know you where in this class!" Clint says. Peters face goes red and Clint smirks. Peter ignores the stares burning into his skull.
"Hi, Katniss, fancy seeing you here."
"You little-"
"LANGUAGE," Steve interiors motioning to the class.
"Peter treat you elders with respect. Say sorry." The teacher says.
"Yeah Petey."
"I'm so very sorry, old man." Peter smirks and the teacher glared at him. Peter quickly put his head down.
"Penis Parker," flash whisper again then is interrupted by a loud voice.
"Boss, Eugene Thompson is bullying Peter." All the Avengers stop and turn toward Flash, hate in their eyes. Flash goes pale. Tony motions for his suit, Clint grabs his bow and arrow, Natasha pulls out a knife, Thor summons his hammer, Bucky rolls up his sleeve, Steve grabs his shiny shield, and Brice quickly leaves before he hulks out.
"HOW DARE YOU BULLY MY SON!" Tiny screams Peter puts his face in his hands. And the class gasps including the teacher.
"S-son?" Flash stutters.
"Yes. You just bullied a Stark. But the last name shouldn't matter. You just bullied Peter, the most Brilliant kid, no person, I've ever met is as amazing as him." Natasha flips her knife. Then Peter sighs.
"GUYS! Don't hurt him." The Avengers ignore him.
"DAD!" Peter explains grabbing attention of them.
"If you ever so much as look at him again we will hunt you down." Tony then gets out of his suit and everybody drops their weapons. Besides Thor who didn't get the memo. He hurls the hammer in Flash's direction. Peters spider sense goes off and he runs in front of Flash and catch he's the hammer in his bear hand. He then stares at his hand in shock as does the rest of the room. Even the Avengers. Natasha recovers first and says,
"I think it is time for you to leave." The class still half frozen, besides Peter stand up and walks out of the room.
"A word of this to any one and I will sue you for all that you have!" Tony calls. Peter then walks up to Thor and hands him the hammer,
"Here you go Mr. Thor."

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