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Peter walked down the hall way of Stark Towers but not alone. He instead is trailing behind his class. Today is the dreaded day of the Stark Tower field trip.

"Hello Midtown, I'm Emily and I-" She is cut off by the one and only Captain America running down the hall. The room gasps and starts screaming. Peter flinches back at the noise but then walks forward noticing the worriness on Steve's face. As Peter pushes through the crowd, the class stares at him and Flash makes a comment about Peter.

"PETER! Tony is having a panic attack and keeps saying you name!" Peter face turns up into a frown, then he starts to walk forward.

"Wait, Mr. Parker, you are not allowed to go over their and leave the group." Peter rolls his eyes.

"I LIVE HERE! I CAN GO WHERE EVER THE HELL I WANT! Just come with me then I guess." He then breaks out into an almost an inhumanly fast sprint. Startled the group quickly follows behind.


Tony was sitting in his lab chugging his tenth cup of coffee.

"Boss, You have a video chat request." Tony scrunched his eyebrows and frowned.

"FRIDAY, accept call," A guy appeared on the screen. Tony froze. Toomes. "What do you want?" He growled.

"I know your biggest fear, and you will never be able to protect him."

"Your in jail."

"I'm got out." The screen turned into static, and tears began to fall from Tony's eyes.


I shove open the door to find Tony curled in a ball. I run up to him and set a hand on his back. The class gasps in shock but I ignore them.

"Dad? What's wrong?" I wrap my arms around his shaking body. The class gasps again.

"Toomes. He is out of jail!" Tony begins to sob again and I freeze. What? He... He can't be. I look down at Tony again and take a deep breath.

"Dad, I beat him once and I can do it again, plus all of you will help." Tony sniffles again.

"HE DROPPED A BUILDING ON YOU PETER!"The class, and Steve's eyes go big.

"It's ok dad, my suit will protect me, and so will you, and the rest of the Avengers. I'm safe. C'mon you fought off and army of aliens. If I can beat vulture, we all can." Tony nods and shifts to stand up a little bit. When he sees the class he stops and stares, the class stares back.

"Shit, Peter I'm sorry,"

"HE DROPPED A F*CKING BUILDING ON YOU?" Steve screams causing Peter to flinch back, "I'm going to kill the god damn-" he is cut off by Peter laughing. He puts a hand over his heart in mock offense,

"LAN- *laugh* UAGE," Steve frowns and gives me a death glare. Tony smirks and ruffles my hair.

"W-what?" Flash manages to get out. Peter sighs and glances at his dad.

"Well this is my dad, and one of my uncles," I say pointing at Tony and Steve.

"Wait but what about the-" A fimiliar tingling goes off in the back of my head.

"Get you suit. Spidey sense." I say running to the corner of my lab to grab my suit. Steve runs across the hall to get his and Tony presses his watch. Just as Steve runs in to the room, the wall explodes. The class screeches. "NED GET THEM OUT OF HERE!" I yell. Ned quickly follows my order. The dust clears, and the Vulture appears, hovering over the ground.

"Hello Pedro," Toomes sneers. Tony wasted no time to shoot a repulser at his wing, A whole appears in the wing and Steve throws his shield at Toomes face. Vulture then lunges towards me and hits me in the side of the face. Quickly I catch his fist and punch him in the face, then web his face.

"Sorry old man." I quip and kick him again. Tony then shoots him one last time and he falls to the ground.

"You won't have to worry about him agin Peter. Come on we need to go check on you class." I change out of his suit then jogs down to his class with Tony and Steve.

My class is sitting against the wall to shocked to say anything.

"You-You're." Flash stutter I smirk.

"Yes I am Spider-Man." I respond quoting Tony. He steps forward and says,

"If you tell anybody, even your parents anything I will be sure to sue you for everything you have." The class nods. "Mr. Teacher person, you should take you class back and I will be keeping Peter here." The teacher nods his head and ushers his class out of the door.

"Bye Peter see you tomorrow!" Ned yells out.

"See ya," Peter says to Ned. As soon as the leave Steve and Tony immediately hug the Peter.

"I love you kid," Tony says to me.

"I love you too, dad... and Uncle Steve." Steve smiles and ruffles my hair.

"I'm hungry!" I exclaim laughing. Tony and Steve nod and we make their way back up to their floor to make some food and binge watch movies the rest of the night. I sigh as I recall the events of the day... But hey Flash isn't going to bother me anymore.


A/N Panic attack was requested by @cendytrash


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