Jealous Spidey

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Peter sat down on the couch and flipped on the TV. He had just got back from an especially tiring patrol, and mentally preparing himself for his dad to question about his health. After 30 min, Peter was surprised and an hour later he just turned concerned. Peter quickly made his way to his dads lab.
"Hey Dad you-" He was saying, but then stopped as he walked in the doors. He sees his dad working with another man- probably in college.
"Oh hey Pete. This is my new intern, Jake." Tony says. What? New intern? Since when? Peter nodded slowly. "This kid is a genius. He has great ideas for my suit." Peter tried to brush off the compliment, but just couldn't.  His dad didn't call other people geniuses besides Peter. Well unless it is sarcastic. He also doesn't let anybody besides Peter work on his suits.... not even Bruce.
"I'm going to work on my project." He yells his dad then starts to walk over to the door that connects his personal lab.
"If you need any ideas you should talk to this Kid. I'm sure he has a ton!" Peter felt a sharp pain in his heart. Just ignore it, he thought to himself. But just couldn't. His dad only referred to HIM as Kid. Now Jake too? Peter couldn't help the tears prick at his eyes, so once he got into the hall he ran all the way up to his room, not even noticing Nat chasing after him.
Peter collapsed on his bed and thoughts raced through his mind. He buried his face further into the pillow. Peter flinched as he felt a hand on his back. But relaxed once he realized it was just his Aunt Tasha's.
"Peter what's wrong?" Peter shifted and gave Natasha a big hug, the hurried his face in her shoulder. Natasha whispered comforting words on Russian to the crying boy.
"D-dad g-got a new in-intern. He let him work on his," Peters voice cracked, "suits and-and kept calling him 'k-ki-Kid' then referred to him as a g-genius. It felt as if I wasn't even there." Natasha felt anger in her. Then she began to rub Peters back.
"I want to talk to him for you... but I can't you need to Peter. Your his son. I'm sure if you just tell him what's up, he will fix it." Natasha says. Peter nods, but knows he can't do that.
"Stay with me please." Natasha smiles and lays down besides Peter.
After Jake left, Tony felt slightly guilty he didn't check on Peter. The man walked into Peters room but stopped in his tracks. He saw Peters puffy eyes, and Natasha hand resting in his hair. Peter doesn't allow himself to crying in front of any besides him, Peter only asks Tony to stay with him after a nightmare. The dad felt a slight prick of pain go through his heart, but quickly walked out of the room before the tears fell from his eyes.
Little did Tony know why Peter was actually crying, or little did Peter know He was making Tony feel the same sadness and jealousy Tony made him feel.
Peter walked into Tony's lab slightly dejected. He was going to talk to his dad. We he walked inside he saw Tony and Jake laughing about something.
"Uh I'm going to go...out," Peter said hoping his dad understands that it means patrol.
"Alright." He says without turning around. Peter walks back to his room puts on his suit and jumps out the window.
Peter sits on top of the building and tries to fight off tears. Questions swarm his head, what is happening? He hasn't called me a nickname in over a week, he hasn't worked with me in the lab, and he hasn't asked about my patrol. Peter thinks. At least Natasha still tolerates things. Yes he loves Natasha, but Natasha isn't his dad. Peters Spidey sense goes off. He looks in the alley sees twelve men. Shoot. Peter quickly drops from the building and takes out two of the men. One men throws a knife in his way. Then another guy shoved him toward stage knife. He groans as it hits his side. He punches one guy then kicks another. 10 minuets later he manages to take down everybody. But he has a gun shot in his arm and two stab wounds. Normals Peter would head straight to Tony's lab, but he doesn't want to be a bother. Instead he starts to web himself. The pain in the his arm is to much to take and he falls to the ground. Peter tries to get back up but can't.
"Calling Mr. Stark." Karen says. Peter wants to object but can't.
I sit in my lane with Jake working on my suit. He is a smart kid but he isn't Peter. Every time I look at him I keep thinking he is Peter but he isn't. I keep accidentally calling him Kid. But again that's only because I miss Peter right? My phone rings burning me out of my thoughts. The ID says KAREN.
"Shit shit shit." I ignore Jakes confusion and summon my suit.
"FRIDAY locate Peters suit. I then fly off into the distance.
Peter is laying on a roof in a small puddle of blood and a knife in his hip. He gasps and runs over to Peter picking him up.
"Bruce set up a bed in the medbay!" I yell as he arrives in the floor.
After Bruce fixes Peters wounds, he wakes up.
"Hey dad." He says.
"Hey kid," Tony responds making Peter smile.
"Why did you come?" Tony looks shocked, " I mean you've been so worried about Jake lately." Tony instantly feels gilt consume him.
"Peter... I'm so sorry. You've just been with Natasha a lot." Tony admits. Peter instantly feels bad.
"I'm sorry dad." Peter says. Tony walks over to him and embraces his son.
"I'm sorry too Kid." They stay in the hug for a while. "How about I introduce you to Jake, and we can all work omg the lab together. He can come over twice a week to work with us. Together we could come up with some kick-ass suits." Peter chuckles and agrees. Tuesday's and Thursday's quickly became his favorite days in the week.
A/N I've never wrote a chapter like this before but I hope you like it. Requested by @OhNoHetero

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