Day off

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Peter woke up and jumped out of bed then ran down to the Kitchen. Today was Saturday. Avengers day off. They usually just watched movies or something but today, the team was taking a trip.
"Hey Pete," Bucky says from the arm chair while reading news paper... so old school. Steve is in the kitchen making a heap of chocolate chip pancakes. Bruce  and Tony are discussing science. Natasha is seated on the couch curled up against Clint. Peter chuckles,
"CLINTASHA! I ship it!" Peter exclaims causing the couple to jump. Clint smiles at Natasha and gives her a kiss on the lips, "AWWWW," Peter says practically skipping into the kitchen to grab a stack of plates. Natasha sends him a death glare but fails as she is smiling. If anybody else, anybody, said that they would be dead. Tony smirks but continues talking to Bruce.
"Pancakes," Steve says and before he can finish he is swarmed by people. Unfortunately for them Peter had the plates. To get the groups attention he jumps on the ceiling.
"I have the plates, to get a plate for pancakes you have to say something nice to me." Peter then jumps down. Peter fills a plate with pancakes for him then sets in on the food warmer. Clint walks forward,
"You are funny," Clint states, Peter nods and hands him a plate.
"You are a good Son," Tony states, smirking a little as he grabs the plate from Peter.
"Cooking with you is more fun than cooking by myself." Peter hands him a plate then secretly stick a magnet on Bucky's arm.
"Your one hell of a kid," Natasha states smiling slightly.
"LANGUAGE," Steve yells from behind her.
"I'm not sure if that compliment but I'll accept it." Peter hands his Aunt the plate.
"You have a big heart," Steve says. Peter smiles and nods then hands him a plate.
"You are one of the smartest people I've met," Peters jaw nearly drops but he quickly hands the plate over to Bruce. Then Peter grabs his plate and joins the rest at the table.
"For our day we are going to... Disney World." Peter jumps out of his seat in excitement.
"Really? Oh my gosh!" Peter quickly runs to his room and runs back out with a backpack, "I'm ready. What plane are we taking?"
"Slow down, Pete," Steve says, " We are also taking a van to get the road trip experience" Natasha groans.
"I call sitting by Bruce!" Natasha exclaims quickly. Clint looks fake hurt.
"Why not your loving boyfriend," Natasha kisses him on the cheek.
"I love you but I know Bruce won't bother me," Natasha say earning a chuckle from everybody.
After another 10 minuets they finally get to the car. Tony drives and Clint sits in the passenger seat. Behind them in Natasha and Bruce. On the back bench, Bucky sits on one end, Peter is in the middle and Steve sits on the other end. To say their squished would be an understatement, but Natasha and Bruce refused to sit in the back next to Peter even though their would be more room that way.
"Steeevvveeee," Peter wines. Captain looks down at the kid, " Bucky and I can make better pancakes then yoouuu." Bucky nods.
"Yeah we make the best pancakes in the world." He adds.
"None are better than mine," Steve says. After about an hour of arguing over pancakes Natasha yells,
"Would you shut the hell up already I'm sure Clint's pancakes are better than your all's." Steve Bucky and Peter stop talking at once. Clint smirks but no one besides Tony could see it.
"Hey guys hey guys hey guys,, can we pleeeeaaassseeee ride space mountain!" Peter exclaims.
"We are going to go on all of them... even dumbo, Tony got us fast pass which allow us to go to the front of all lines!" Bruce says surprising everybody at how excited he is. Let's just hope no one makes him mad.
"How much longer do we have it feels like we've been in here forever!" Clint exclaims.
"We have a 16 hour ride and we have been driving for 1 and 12 minuets." Tony says. Everybody groans besides Peter who is talking Steve and Buckys ear off about different rides.
Two hours later Natasha forces Tony to go to the nearest McDonalds because she was hungry and because she needed to stand up or she was going to punch somebody. The large group filed out of the car. Inside a couple people stare at the large group.
"It's the Avengers!" One group exclaims.
"We will have ten hamburgers, four wraps, 6 large fries, six large sodas and throw in four Big Macs." Steve says ordering them using Tony's credit card to pay. In about fifteen minuets their food is ready. Another fourth five minuets if eating later they all file back into their car and continue for five more hours.
The van pulls to a stop in front of a gas station. Clint and Peter run in to the shop and strait to the bathroom.
8 agonizing hours later they arrive at the hotel. Peter jumps out of the van and grab as much as he can take. Everybody else follows half asleep.
"Peter and I will share a bed and we will share a room with Bruce. Clint Natasha you will share a bed and share a room with Steve and Bucky who will be sharing a bed. All of our rooms connect." Tony hands Steve a card and then puts the other in his pocket. He would have gotten more rooms but on short notice this was all they had left, so the group had to make it work. Once they got to their room the men dropped their stuff changed into their pajamas then fell into bed. Bruce sprawled our taking up the whole queens sized bed and had his face smashed in the pillows. Peter curled up against Tony without realizing but Tony didn't mind. He kissed his sons head and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
The Avengers sat down in the cafeteria enjoying their breakfast buffet. The seven of them together had wiped out the entire buffet... whoops. But I mean Steve, Peter and Bucky are super soldiers and eat like five times the normal person, not to mention Clint is like a black whole, and Natasha eats as much as she can, Tony and Bruce don't eat as much as the other but still above the average man. So really, it's no surprise to them. Peter finished first and didn't stop bouncing until the last person, being Bruce has finished. Once he put the last fork full in his mouth Peter grabbed all their plates and silverware and dumped them in the garbage, then without turning back ran to where the bus stop was. The rest of the Avengers shared a laugh at the excited kid but followed him out the door. Today will be an interesting day on the Avengers team to say the least.
Peter sprints off the cramped directly into a long line for security. The line moves somewhat quickly and before they know it they are in the park. Each person scans their band then walks through the metal detector. When Natasha and Bucky step through the alarms go off. Bucky sighs and shows the security his arms. They nod. Bucky then realized a little magnet that says I heart NYC.
"Peter Stark how many times do I have  to say this!" Peter chuckles and pretends to look innocent. Clint takes a knife off of Natasha's arms legs and out of her shoes then hands them off to the security guard, but leave the one on her thigh just Incase. Peter runs forward the just stops all at once and stares at the beautiful castle looming above him.
"Woah... Dad, next time your tower gets destroyed by aliens you should make this our new home, it could be called Avenger castle!" Tony chuckles.
"That has a nice ring to it," Clint says laughing.
"Let's go to Its a Small world!" Bucky says. Then shrugs when everybody stares at him. Natasha disagrees but Clint grabs her by the waist and pulls her along. The whole ride Peter and Bucky looks like puppies.
"I'm so glad Thor is In Asgard right now," Tony mumbles. Peter shoots him a questioning look as he steps out of the little boat. "Just imagine the god of thunder in Disney World." Peter takes a moment to think this over before bursting out in laughter drawing attention him. Good thing it's to dark in here to clearly see faces. Steve leads the group to the next ride, Space Mountain. Steve rides by his self because he is the largest, then Natasha shares with Peter, Tony shares with Bruce leaving Bucky and Clint to share the last cart. As the ride starts Natasha and Steve throw their hands in the air. Peter grips the side tightly but screams in joy as his Spidey sense tingles with every twist and turn. Tony looks scared but after a while smiles. After the ride starts Bruce throws his hands in the air, and so do Bucky and Clint. On the last drop Peter decides to put his hand in the air. They exist the cart laughing and chattering about the ride. Peter drags the team over to the pictures and smiles. Everybody has their hands in the air and everybody is grinning. Tony buys the picture and makes plans to frame it and put it in the living room.
"I'm starving!" Peter says after they rode the magic carpets and dumbo, boy was that a sight to see!
"Let's go tooooo that place," Steve says pointing to a small restaurant. After eating what they want, the group decides to go on the teacups. Peter goes with Clint and Natasha which he soon regrets, and the rest fill into the other car. Clint takes the wheel, at first Peter thinks he is going to throw up but soon is yelling at Clint to go faster. Near the end of the ride, Natasha, Clint, and Peter are all using as much strength as possible to spin the teacup. Peter briefly considers the possibility of the whole thing flying off but is interrupted by the ride stopping. Peter stands up but falls back down from dizziness. Clint then helps Peter out of the cart and meets up with the rest.
"What the hell did you do to my kid?!"
"It's fine dad we just spun as fast as we could and I'm a little dizzy. But who wants to go in the haunted mansion!" Peter then smirks and gets an idea, "let's see who can scream the least!"
"Games on bitch," Natasha says.
"LANGUAGE! But I'm in," Steve says. Peter knows that both Natasha and him are going to win. Him because of his spidey senses and Natasha well because she is Natasha. Once they enter the house they go into a room with face that appears on the ceiling. After a moment or two a wall slides open and people gather in cars, Tony, Peter. Clint, Natasha. Steve and Bruce, then sitting alone this time is Bucky. The cart starts forward, and a skeleton pops out in front of them causing Clint to scream and jump right away. A small buzz tingles in Peters head as the turn a corner. Bucky jumps and screams. On the drop Bruce let's out a scream. Around a sharp corner Tony screams, Peter laughs. Just three people left. Peters though is interrupted by a shriek coming from Steve. All to soon the ride comes to a stop. Natasha and Peter victoriously walk out of the carts and high five each other.
"How did you not scream?" Clint says throwing his hands up in the air.
"Spidey sense," Peter says pointing to the back of his head.
"That's cheating!" Steve says.
"If using my powers are cheating, then you my friend have been cheating you whole life," everybody bursts out into laughter. Steve sighs,
"You have a valid point Peter." He smirks. The group continues to walk around and ride every thing they pass. Also the superheroes stopped to get food three more times. The sun began to set in the sky. Peter sighs thinking about the fun day he had had. As they reach the gates Peter looks back over his shoulder. Their time at Disney World might be over, but the memories will last forever. Besides they still have the scariest ride of all coming up... a 16 hour car ride home.
Idea by @YumiBarnes also please follow my account, Dancer0000034 sorry I didn't include Thor but in my opinion he is hard to write in because he is well Thor.
Thanks so much,

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