Sick Days

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Peter felt as if his head was being pounded by a million hammers, and someone was constantly punching his stomach, over and over again. His throat was dry and scratchy, and his eyes where blood shot. He had been staying at the tower for two weeks while his Aunt went on vacation, sure he missied May, but he was having a blast at the tower. Well that is until this morning. He slipped out of his bed and walked to the kitchen like a zombie.

"Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good," (Sorry I couldn't resist.) Tony had his head on the counter, but when he heard the teens horse voice he looked up, his eye where also bloodshot, and his nose was plugged up, as well his skin was burning up.

"Same here." Tony said. He then got down the medicine and handed a handful to the kid and a bowl of oatmeal. "Let's go sit on the couch." He said in a tired voice. The two were dressed in sweat pants and sweatshirts, but still cold on a summer day. So they grabbed a blanket and tried to warm themselves up.

After a while, Natasha, Clint and Steve walked in, all looking like zombies. The tree of them fell down onto some piece of furniture and curled up in blankets.

"I take it you don't feel good either?" Tony said in a quite voice, as to not hurt his throat. The three just nodded and snuggled further into their warm blankets. They continued to watch T.V.

Ding. The elevator sounded.

"Don't come in we are sick!" Steve called then coughed right after. Bruce and Wanda walked in the room further and grabbed two more blankets. They didn't have to say anything, the group saw that they looked dead as well. Wanda and Bruce fell back onto another couch.

"I thought it was impossible for me to get sick!" Steve said very confused. Peter just nodded,

"Me too, Cap, me too." Next a man with a medal arm walked in.

"I'm sick and cold don't bother me," Bucky said before he even reached the couch. Then he saw the rest of the group and frowned. "Welp never mind I guess everyone is sick." Peter nodded and grabbed another tissue to blow his nose. After he threw the tissue on the ground (due to lack of garbage can in the area) he started laughing.

"Who would of thought, a group of super humans would be so sick?" The rest of the group slightly smirked. Then they heard a crack of thunder.

"HELLO HUMANS, I FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE AND MY THROAT IS IN PAIN!" Thor exclaimed at a slightly less than usual but still loud tone.

"Thor too? Well you are sick like the rest of us, grab a blanket and watch T.V. with us," Thor nodded skeptically but didn't answer. He grabbed a blanket and sat in a big arm chair.

"Hello humans and brother. I heard from someone that you where sick and so am I." Loki grabbed a blanket and feel into one of the chairs. Basically everyone just groaned in response.

"Hi Mr. Loki." Peter said in a horse voice.

"Wait LOKI?" Tony exclaimed causing Peter to jump. After a minuet Tony relized he didn't really care and blew his nose again dropping it in with the pile of a million other tissues.

"Hello!" Vision said in a cheery voice.

"We are sick make soup," Wanda demanded. The group semi smiled and nodded in approval at the thought of soup.

"Also vision, can you bring more tissues?" Peter asked.

"Oh and would you be a sweetie and clean these ones up?" Tony asked, his eyes half closed.

"I will be right back," Vision said then walked off into the kitchen.

"And Vision, bring me some water please!" Clint said.

"Me too!"

"Me three,"


"I'll take some too," Vision sighs and begins to cook soup then grabs the extra box of tissues, a garbage can and some water. They nod in thanks to Vision. Tony blows his nose again then throws the tissue right next to where to garbage can was sitting. After vision makes an extra large bowl of soup,

"Can you please put them in the bowls for us?" Clint asks then breaks out into a fit a coughing. Vision does as he is requested and then hands the bowls out.

"Can I also have a popsicle?" Bruce requests. Seconds later he come back with a popsicle.

"Mmm, that looks good, can I have one?" Vision stomps back to the kitchen and throws a popsicle at Steve's head. He groans but takes it anyway.

"Haha, now your really a capsicle," Peter states. Everybody starts laughing. Well more like coughing.

"Vision CAN YOU PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME WHY THE JOKE IS FUNNY?" The room collectively sighs then Vision irritatedly explains the joke.

The rest of the day the group sits in the living room and Vision waits on them hand and foot. As day turns into night, Peter curls up against Tony and before drifting off into sleep he says,

"Goodnight Dad," Peter was too tired to realize what he said, but Tony definitely did not miss it. His eyes tear up slightly and he smiles before drifting off into a sleep of his own.

After all of the sick people fall to sleep Vision falls over onto his bed and sighs. Hopefully they feel better tomorrow.


A/N This is a request from @sandyfleas



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