Winter Spider part 6

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A/N this is the last Winter Spider!!! The majority of the votes where 2... so here you go!!
I have been back for a month. However I have not worked up the courage to call Ned. I don't want to talk about what happened. I can barely talk to my family about it, but whoever I have a flash back or panics attack or even nightmare, they force me to tell  them what it was about. I hate talking about it but it does help.
Bucky and Dad have been helping a lot. Dad works in the lab with me which helps me get my mind off of things. Bucky fought my breathing exercises and yoga, then after I recall what happened I take my anger and fear out on a punching bag. I usually and in sobs. Luckily Bucky doesn't care so he just hugs me and rubs my back until I calm down.
"Dad... do I have to go to school tomorrow?" He sighs and hugs me.
"It's going to be hard, but the longer you wait the harder it gets. If you need anything you can call me or Bucky. Alright?" I nod into his chest.
"I have to go. Bucky is helping me." Dad nods and let's go if me.
I walk into the training room with Bucky, or medal arms glistening in the sun pouring in from the window. Bucky stands next to the punching bag by the window. All at once I am brought back to pain and darkness. I punch the bag, it goes flying backwards. Evil. I punch it again. Then the emotions consume me and I punch and kick the bags, hot tears rolling down my cheeks. One last kick and it goes flying off the chain. I crumple to the floor. A cool medal arm is wrapped around my shoulders and another is petting my hair.
"Breath," says the soothing voice of Bucky. I sniffle in a breath and let it go. "Your safe." I breath again. My breathing is back to normal and I realize how tight I was gripping Bucky's shirt. "Let's go get something to eat." I nod into his shoulder and let go of him. Deep breaths. Together we walk to the commons.
Thor, Tony, Bruce, Steve, Clint, and Natasha sit around the living room. I walk in and sit right next to dad, so he can put an arm around me. Bucky sits next to Steve. The elevator beeps and we snap our heads over. Fury and Happy walk out. Are they...smiling? Happy is carrying ten pizzas.
"Hey kid." Happy says cheerfully to me.
"Hi happy!"
"Hi Peter," Fury says in a happy voice. Wow. What happened to them?
"Uh, Hi Fury." They sit down in a couch and Happy puts the pizzas on the coffee table. We all dig in.
My alarm goes off and I groan. I don't want to go. (Hahahahah. Sorry not sorry). Sighing I roll out of bed and throw on a long sleeve shirt with jeans. I grab the glove that looks like a hand and but it over my medal hand. I look in the mirror and try it fix my hair a little bit. When I walk into the kitchen the Avengers are sitting around and Steve is making pancakes.
I don't want to go to school.
"Dad I don't feel so good..." I lie. Dad glares at me.
"Nice try. Your going."
"I don't want to go. I don't want to go," I say twice to prove my point.
"It'll be fine Peter," Bucky says and pats my back. I sigh again.
"Fine." I huff out.
"Pancakes!" Steve says and carries a large try over to the table. Clint jumps up and sprints over. I chuckle at him. I grab 10 pancakes and place them on my oversized plate and dump a gallon of syrup on them. Perfect. Smiling I begin to eat.
I hug Clint, Natasha, Thor, and Bruce a hug then walk with Bucky and Tony to the car. I sit in the back and throw my back pack next to me.
"Remember Peter. Call me if you need anything at all." Dad says.
"I will."
I walk down the familiar hall way and class mates eye me. Nobody just misses 2 months of school. I soon find Ned.
"PETER!" He yells and hugs me. I hug him back. "Where have you been?"  My eyes turn fake and I nothing for Ned to follow me to an empty classroom. Big breath, big breath out. Ned looks confused but follows me anyway.
"Well I was kidnapped by Hydra. It was horrible. Please don't ask me about it." I say and wipe my eyes and try to think about something besides the pain. Ned hesitantly nods then smiles.
"Well I hope you are ok." I nod, I'm not ok... but Ned doesn't need to know that.
Most of the day passes smoothly. But now it is gym. I take a deep breath and step in the doors, wearing a long sleeve and shorts. Big breath in, Big breath out, I hear Bucky telling me. I plaster a smile and walk over to Ned.
"Yo, Penis!" Flash exclaims. I roll my eyes. He is nothing compared to Hydra. Then I shake my head... do not think about it. I turn around and see Flash dressed in all black. Master. My smile drops and I shake my head. Don't think about it. Don't think about it. Don't think about it. "Answer when your spoken to." Tears sting in my eyes. Don't. Just don't. I shake my head and try to get rid of the memories. Thankfully the teacher calls our attention. I sigh.
"Today we are doing basketball!" He announces. I grab a basketball and walk back to the courts and start dribbling. Flash comes walking up. I take a deep breath. He is NOT Master. Flash laughs and slaps the ball away from me. He then pulls on my hand, the medal one. The glove comes off.  No. No.  Meds eyes go wide and the room gasps.
"What the hell Penis?" He grabs the hem of my shirt I step back. (Underlined is what Peter thinks and non undermined is what is happening in third person btw it won't not go in bold and idk way so sorry)
"You failed me, Winter Spider," Master says.
"I'm sorry Master." He yanks off my shirt and fear over takes me. He sweeps a knife from his back pocket. My world turns to pain. I scream.
"It's for your own good." He cuts me again. Pain.
Flash pulls at Peters sleeve. Peter step back and the shirt goes over his head. The room gasps. Scars like his muscular body, but no one can take there eyes off the burn. 'Hail Hydra'. The room is dead silent. Then what happens next horrifies the group.
"I'm sorry Master," Peter says. Ned is crying and the rest have tears in there eyes. Then he screams. A horrifying blood curling scream. A scream of complete pain.
Flash recover first. He grabs a water bottle, sometimes pour water on people snaps them out of things? Flash throws the water at Peters face. He shivers and cries harder.
Master grabs me and shoved me into the cold tank of water. Pain. Coldness. Pain. It's too much.
(Now this is back to normal)
The wall explodes and the class gasps as Bucky and Tony walk in.
"Peter," Tony says while stepping out of his suit then runs to me.
"Dad!" The group gasps again but I run to him and hug him.
"It's ok Peter. Your safe. Master is dead, you killed him." Bucky places his flesh arm on my shoulder. I relax more and the tears slow down. After I am calmed down Bucky grabs my shirt and hands it to me. I pull it over my head.
"Hey Peter? Why don't you and I go to the parking lot?" I nod and follow Bucky through the hole in the wall.
3rd person (would you look at that some how it in bolded)
"What happened?" Tony demands. Ned wipes his eyes and says,
"We where playing basketball, Flash somehow took off his glove reveling the arm. Peter started to get panic. Flash grabbed his sleeve and Peter took a step back, the shirt came over his head and Peter started saying 'I'm sorry Master,' then he screamed. Next Flash poured water on him to try and snap him o-" Tony's blood boils and he looks over to the boy holding a water bottle.
"YOU DID WHAT? PETER WAS FUCKING KIDNAPPED BY HYDRA WHILE TEYING TO SAVE THE WORLD AND ME, HYDRA TORTURED  HIM, CUT HIM, WIPPED HIS MEMORY, PUT HIM IN AN ICE COLD TANK OF WATER, CUT OFF HIS FUCKING ARM WHILE HE COULD FEEL IT- AND YOU DID WHAT?" Tony screams at the class all of there north's folds open. Tony glares at Flash, hate building up. "You so much as look at him again and I will kill you. Understand?" Tony hisses, but doesn't wait for Flash to respond. He runs through the wall and out to Peter. The class stands frozen in shock, and look of horror in there eyes. They felt awful. What if that had happened to them? Each on of them swore to them selves they would protect what happened to Peter from the entries school. They decided they will help him.
The next day in gym class, the teacher allowed them to talk. They all apologized to Peter and swore they wouldn't tell anybody, and after that they became quite good friends.
Peter still wasn't ok, the haunted look still didn't leave his eyes, but because of his friends and family, he was better.

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