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A/N This is a request from @YumiBarnes I'm so excited that this almost has 1k views! Thank you all so much and Enjoy! (Also if you don't like this ship then don't read it.) Also their is nothing inappropriate in this chapter.  


It is a saturday morning and Peter lays snuggled under the covers sound a sleep. He hadn't gone to bed until two because of his Spiderman duties. Even though he was sound a sleep doesn't mean he was sleeping peacefully. 

MJ usually isn't very clingy with her boyfriend but today, she  just couldn't stop thinking about him. She had heard the news about saving that building from the fire last night. She new he would be ok, but decided to pay Peter a visit anyway. MJ had been given a badge with access to the Avengers Common room and the Stark's floor so she wouldn't have to wait in the lobby for someone. Once she arrived at the floor no one was in the room, and MJ being MJ decided to invite herself in and wonder down the hall to Peter's room. The moment she stepped in the dark room she noticed something was wrong. She heard heavy breathing and a muttered voice. 

"No don't... MJ...No" Peter mumbled while tossing and turning in his bed. MJ quickly rushed to the side of his bed and patted his shoulder. 

"Peter, wake up. It's just a dream." Peter shoots up in bed causing MJ to take a step backward. Tears streamed down his face and his eyes where red and puffy. Not knowing what to do MJ sat down on the side of Peter's bed and gave him a hug. Peter continued to sob into her shoulder. "Tell me about it." MJ stated holding onto Peter tighter. 

"T-They k-killed y-you... M-Michelle, please don't go." (WELP MJ MIGHT NOT GO BUT YOU DO PETER!!!! :( Sorry back to the story) Peter barely managed to squeak out before he started bawling again, to frightened to care that he was crying in front of MJ. 

"Don't worry Loser. I'm not going anywhere." Peter smiled and sniffled. He let go MJ but remained contact. 

"You are amazing MJ." Peter states staring deeply into MJ's eyes. 

"I know I am. Now can you put on some clothes or something," Peter's face goes red as he releases he is in just his boxers. 

"I-uh-um," MJ smiles and laughs. 

"Meet me in the living room with food. I'm hungry and I want to watch T.V." Peter chuckled a little bit as MJ walked out of the room and he just laughed. Then he quickly pulled out a pair of athletic shorts and a T-shirt. When he gets into the kitchen he grabs a tub of ice cream some chips and two spoons. As he steps closer to living room he sees MJ sitting on the couch, her beautiful brown hair cascading down the back of the couch. He sighs and brings the food over still smiling. She is so beautiful. When he sits down he kisses MJ on the cheek. Then he opens the lid off the ice cream container. 
After the food is gone MJ head is in Peter's lap and Peter is stroking her hair. After another episode Peter leans over and kisses MJ on the lips. She smiles and pulls him back down while flipping so she is facing Peter chest. Their kiss is warm and sweet. After they pull away they can't seem to take their eyes off each other, and MJ is now fully curled up Peter's lap. Their is just something about her, her sweetness, her aggressiveness, just her, that keeps pulling Peter in. He is falling in love, he is falling into a sweet, desperate, heart aching love with none other than Michelle Jones. 


A/N Sorry this chapter is on the shorter side but I wanted to keep it short and sweet little one shot of MJ X Peter, I hoped you like it and thanks for reading! Also I only have one more request left after this, so please please give me more, I love hearing from all of you! Thanks again, 


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