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Yesterday sucked. Some burglar tried to shoot me and then followed me around all night. When I tried to stop him he fucking took off my fucking mask. So I-I killed him.
And now I hate myself for it.
"Alright cross fit workout is on the board don't die blah blah blah get started." The gym teacher says.
30 burpees
4 bench press (80% of max)
Half mile with weights (at least 20)
30 box jumps (medium height)
4 bear crawl down and back (with weight on back)
(I had to do something similar once. It sucked.)
Sighing I grab all the fourty five pound weights  I can carry and put them in the bar. 5 on each side. I think I hear someone chuckle but I ignore them.
Next I grab the one hundred pound dumbbell along with another 45 pound plate for the bear crawls. Then I start.
Jump down.
Jump down.
I killed him.
I'm a murder.
Jump down.
I'm evil.
After I finished my burpees I lay on the bench and start.
I pick it up with ease. And start to bench press. It is so light I feel like I'm bench pressing a feather.
Next I grab the 100 pound dumbbell which also feels like a feather and prop it on my shoulder. Then I sprint.
Every time my foot slaps against the ground I feel another stab of pain.
I killed someone.
Took their life away.
It's all my fault.
Once I finish the last lap I grab the box jump and put is on its highest side then I stack plates on it to make it taller.
I jump up then back down quickly over and over again.
I am an awful person.
"What the hell Penis?" Someone shouts but I don't comprehend anything.
Next I take the fourty five pound weight and put it on my back then start bear crawling. I can feel a slight burn on my muscle. I ignore it.
It feels good.
I wonder what dying is like.
I killed someone.
Caused them to die.
I am evil.
I finish my bear crawls.
Then the pain over takes me.
I slump against the wall.
I. Killed. Someone.
I took someone's life.
I put my head in my hands and tears like out.
Oh shit. This isn't good. Peter is being frocking Spider-Man in gym. Peter slumps against the wall and starts to sob.
What happened?
Quickly I take out my phone and click omg Tony Stark.
Holy shit I'm calling Ironman.
"What is it Ted? I Peter ok?"
"He's having a panic attack or something," I say. The line falls dead and I put my phone in my pocket.
Aw hell nah. This isn't good.
Peter POV
The guy stands in front of me with a mask in his hand. He holds a gun at my head. I sweep his legs. My heart quickens. I punch him and he goes flying into the wall.
"NO!" I scream. And run towards him. His eyes are lifeless
"Pete, it's ok. Shh," a voice says. I lean forward and hug him.
"Dad... I killed him," I sob harder and I can hear some gasps.
"Peter... shhh, it's ok," Dad replies and rubs my back. My body is tembling in his.
"IM CALLING TGE COPS!" Someone screams.
Damn it.
Quickly (without thinking) I thrust my hand forward and shoot a web and flash phone effectively ripping it out of his hand.
Aw hell nah.
NO PART 2!!!!!!!!!

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