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What do you think about when you hear the word success?

Many might say houses and cars, luxury and all the valuable man made things of this world. While others might say overcoming an addiction, forgiving someone who've been weighing them down or simply reaching a point in life where they are finally happy; happy with the person they are and the person they are becoming.

Success might mean so many things but whatever your definition is, you will be successful.

Unfortunately, it won't come overnight. True success requires hard work and determination, perseverance and commitment. You need a now or never mindset when it comes down to success and don't think you don't got what it takes, we all do.

Be happy for the success of others. Why? Because if today you are happy for them, tomorrow they'll be happy for you as well.

If you want to get fit or in good shape you have to celebrate when a fellow colleague, family member or friend reach that level of fitness.

If you want to get that dream car/house you have to genuinely appreciate the fact when someone else get theirs before you.

If you really want to travel the world and you see an highschool friend posting pictures in other countries, don't scroll pass their photos. Like and comment good things because when you do that you are basically creating your own success.

Now don't pretend, it has to source from the heart.

Jealousy is a deadly disease which takes life slowly but surely. You don't want to gain extra pounds which is not fat but burden carried for the success of others.

You will reach your goal, you will be successful but first you have to celebrate others.

Sometimes it is hard witnessing the elevation of others when you are down there struggling but keep struggling because whatever success means to you today it will automatically becomes reality tomorrow.

Keep your eyes on the prize, if you can do without blinking go ahead but you can't let your focus drift an inch.

My meaning of success might be totally different from yours but whatever you are working towards, continue. If your neighbour reaches the finish line before you, continue.

Only if we knew how close we are sometimes when we throw in the towel. Only if we knew...

But please, keep doing what you are doing and remember we rise by lifting others.

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