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Video Above: Fear No More - The Afters

According to the Oxford Student's Dictionary, fear is an unpleasant feeling caused by the threat of danger or pain. However, according to motivational speakers such as Les Brown the acronym F. E. A. R means False Evidence Appearing Real.

We are afraid of things which we never experienced. We create these illusions in our heads about how a particular situation might be when it really doesn't have to be like that.

"Such fears create paranoia, worry, nervous disorders and apprehension." - Ed and Deb Shapiro.

It is natural for us to be fearful, everyone can attest to that. Whether it is the fear of failure, fear of losing loved ones, fear of the dark or even fear of death. It is okay to have them but definitely not okay to keep them.

Control your fears, don't let them control you.

You cannot sit down with your head filled with crazy thoughts about what you think might happen.

You might seen a particular person fail in a particilar area and without trying for yourself you embody that feeling and put yourself in that person's shoe. But guess what? That shoe might be too small or too big for you. I doesn't really have to fit.

You want to be something big in life but you are scared of failing.

You want to be a police officer but you are scared of being killed on the job.

You want to be a good lawyer but you are scared of losing a case and disappointing your client.

You want to be a writer but you're scared that a better writer might be too blunt with criticisms.

You are too scared. Scared of everything!

Cowards die many times but valiants only die once.

This however makes no signification that valiants are free from the monster called fear; they are not. Its just that they don't sit and allow fear to devour them. They are better than that. You are too.

Be a valiant!

You can do it. I can do it. We can do it, but not with our heads filed with false evidences.

Fear fears courage. So to be successful you have to be courageous. Yes you will feel afraid sometimes and you may want to quit but don't you dare. If you quit you will be called a coward and that is exactly what the devil wants.

Do not quit. Find courage in your fearfulness and you will be surprised to know how courageousness become a part of you.

You don't have to fail like the rest. Maybe they failed because they failed to persevere. Classify yourself as one of those who reached the finish.

You can do it. Fear is just as scared as you are. Stand firm and prove fear wrong. You CAN be called victorious. Scratch that... You WILL be called victorious!

Biblical Wisdom: John 14:27

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