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Video Above: Give Me Faith - Elevation Worship

According to Merriam Webster,  faith is the process of forming or understanding abstractions, ideas, or belief without empirical evidence, experience or observation.

Biblically, faith is believing in one God, the true and living God, without actually seeing him.

Now when we apply faith to our everyday life we get:

• The belief that we are winners even without starting race.

•The belief that victory is ours even when we have tough competitors.

•The belief that we are rich even when we don't have a bank account.

•The belief that we will get into our dream job even when we don't have the right qualifications.

•The belief that we are well even when pain is rocking our core.

•The belief that everything will be alright even when nothing seems to be going our way.

Faith is a strong act of believing even when the adversary contradict us.

You need to believe it, even without seeing the possibility of it becoming reality. You need to create your life based on faith and not doubt.

Don't live a life based on what ifs and buts because you will only attract failure. Tell yourself I will and no matter what the obstacle might be, I will get what I want.

Just like Christians, they can't see God but they are confident that there is a God and him I serve. They don't need to see him, they feel him.

Similarly, when you have faith, you won't actually see the thing with your physical eyes but I can assure you that you will feel it. It comes in a form of confidence. Suddenly, you'll feel like nothing can stop me, I have to win, victory has my name on it.

Don't be fooled. Life is easy to conquer and anyone can do it. All you need is some FAITH.

Biblical Wisdom: Matthew 17:10

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