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Video Above: Alessia Cara - Scars to your beautiful

"We are sun and moon, dear friends; we are sea and land. It is not our purpose to become each other; it is to recognize each other, to learn to see each other and honor him for what he is; each other's opposite and complement." Herman Hesse ~ Poet


Do you know what is the number one cause of unhappiness  in  today's society? 


When we measure similarities and differences between each other we are basically making comparisons.

While we sometimes make healthy measures which aid personal development we also tend to make unreasonable ones which produce anxiety and unhappiness.

Based on observations, it is clear that this is practiced by tweens, teens and individuals who are still in their twenties.

I can relate. I've made comparisons that left me depressed. Why? Because I compared myself to people that are older than I was and more privileged. In school I used to wonder how I could not get straight As, so right there I compared myself with my contemporaries.

Fortunately or unfortunately, very rare you'll find comparison being made where education is concerned.

Not to be stereotypical, there are many devoted people, especially students who are focused and goal oriented. They are the ones who say, "the only comparison I'll make is between the person I was yesterday and the person I am now." They focus on their own growth.

What I find extremely funny though, is that children as young as twelve are comparing themselves to adults that are in their forties.

Comparing their natural skin to another whose skin is heavily made up, failing to realize that under the foundation and concealer are pimples and scars.

If you find it necessary to compare, use it as a mean of motivation. Personally, I love the Harvey's. Whenever I see them on social media or TV, I visualize myself at their level. I use them as building blocks to build my confidence and coax my inner-self to do better, to push harder and most of all, to persevere.

Compare yourself to people who would make you want to be the best version of yourself. Use them for the benefit of your own success.

Don't pass judgement based on what you see now because what you are witnessing now, might just be the beginning that person's success.

Research some of these successful people and you will realize that when they were your age, they had life much harder. So compare that and see who is more likely to have a good future and a successful life. Plus we have a major advantage over many of them and that is internet and technology.

You have no idea how blessed you are and how far you can get.

If it is a case where you are comparing abilities, these few words from Mark Sisson (American Author) should be helpful.

"For every five minutes comparing our abilities to another, we'd do well to make sure we are devoting one hour to accessing our own progress and doing something (anything healthy) to celebrate it. You are you ultimate form of reference - your own evolution.

Embrace your strengths and weaknesses, your perfections and flaws - Embrace your uniqueness.

Biblical Wisdom- Galatians 6:4

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