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Video Above: Kirk Franklin - I Smile

A smile is created when the muscles of the side of the mouth are flexed. A dushenne smile is created when the muscles at the corners of the eyes are contracted.

When you smile you send signals to your brain which says, "I am happy - I am not stressed." Your brain will then respond accordingly.

TIP || Spear yourself the embarrassment of smiling with food trapped between your teeth. Floss regularly.

Why is it so hard to smile, sometimes?

Most of us have pearly whites which are hidden under sulky faces and frowns but in order to make the best of life we need to smile more often.

Smiling is a natural remedy which heals the mind, body and soul. When we smile, we improve our appearance and voluntarily change our mood to a more spirited one.

A day without laughter is a day wasted.

Most of us don't smile unless we have a reason to and most times we don't really get any reason to, especially if you're a loner, antisocial or maybe introverts who spend most time by themselves.

What should you do if you find yourself in one or more of the situations above?

1 Read Comics
2 Watch Comedies
3 Reflect
4 Entertain Yourself
5 Just Fake It

Reading Comic Books  is a great way to show some teeth even when you're solitude. Who said we can't smile when we're alone?

Watching Comedies are even more effective than reading comic books. Why? Because the actions and expressions are there to make what is being said even funnier. Maybe the words are not really funny but the way the comedian squints his eyes, scowls or even the way he widen his nose, makes us fall in the trap of smiling even without realizing it.

Reflect. Your past is not there to haunt you. It is there for a much better reason which is to make us smile or even laugh. Have you ever fell in the middle of your school campus? or have you ever stuttered while making a presentation? If you have, then you will be aware of the embarrassment it caused. But a few weeks later it changes from being embarrassing to hilarious. You'll find yourself laughing uncontrollably and when others ask, "what's up with the giggles?" You'd say "Nothing really. I just remembered something."

Entertain Yourself  - Entertaining others can be fun but entertaining yourself can amount to more fun and laughter. You know what you like and what makes you happy. You know it all. So with that knowledge, use it to heal your bad days. Be cautious with this technique as you am be called 'coo coo' when done publicly.

Fake It! One of the main thing that transformed my life is faking smiles. I made it my duty whether I'm at home, school, church or even on the streets. Now I am pleased with my new hobby. This method is know for tricking our brains into happiness as it can not differentiate between a real and a fake smile.

Fake it till you make it. Just smile then laugh if you must. After all, it is the best medicine; the one that heal without drugs!

Biblical Wisdom: Proverbs 17:22

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