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Video Above: Pharrell Williams ~ Happy

It is in our gene to worry. Wrapped up, tied up, and tangled up in our DNA. No matter how we try not to, we still worry.

But what is worry?

Different sources say different things but when analyzed they all means the same thing. Worry is a state of anxiety. We are worried when we find ourselves troubled or disturbed by past events, present ones and most of all, the unseen future.

Proverbs 12:25 - Anxiety weighs down the heart but a good word make it glad.

"Worrying too much can trigger our nervous system to release "stress hormones" that speed up your heart rate and breathing, raise your blood sugar, and send more blood to your arms and legs." 

Worrying also affects the muscles, breathing, blood sugar, immune system, sexual health and as King Solomon stated; the heart.

Did you know that about 40 percent of the things we worry about never happen?


Stop giving yourself avoidable illnesses and wrinkles. There is a life worth living outside of your worries.

Switch to the positive side and make positive declarations then sit back and watch them fall in place, one behind the other. Manifestation.

Don't worry; be happy.

Biblical Wisdom: Philippians 4:6 

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