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Video Above: High Hopes - Panic At The Disco

When we underestimate something we take away it's value, making it less important than it actually is.

Have you ever been underestimated?

Most time when devalue ourselves we are unknowingly watering a seed that was planted by someone in the past.

Stop watering it; root it up.

Remember, people give what they get. You are not the problem; they are.

If you decide to do something that will make history and they say you can't, that's their limiting belief. They tell themselves that it is impossible but that doesn't mean that it should be impossible to you.

Prove it to yourself that you can. Do it for you; not them.

Everyone said David was too young and too little to fight a giant (Goliath) yet, he killed him with a sling and a stone.

You are never too young. You are never too old. You are never too thin. You are never to plump. You are never too black. You are never too white. You are never too 'anything' to do something.

You don't have to be an author to write the perfect life story. Just stop for a moment a see the possibility that anything can happen when you stop saying 'I can't' and at least — try.

One of the greatest pleasure in life is being successful something you thought you couldn't do or something that others said is not possible.

Everything is possible.

You weren't created to be less than the best. Greatness lies within you and it is time to start approaching life with a successful glare. Face your  struggles because behind every tear, there's a smile.

Risk doing the impossible and remember, if your goals doesn't seem unreachable, they aren't high enough.

Raise your limits. Raise your standard. Increase your hunger. Increase your success.

Just start— Let God finish it.

Biblical Wisdom: Philippians 1:6

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