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What do you think is the main cause of disappointment in our society?

High Expectations.

I can remember how pressured I was in school because of the expectations that my teachers and parents set for me.  They knew I had the potential; even I was aware, but the struggle is different when you have people highly depending on your success.

High expectations are good and bad. In my scenario I knew I was capable because they made me feel even smarter than I was but at the same time I was thinking: what if something goes wrong? What if I fail to meet their expectations? What if! What if!

Luckily I met all of them, it wasn't easy but I did.


We tend to get discouraged at times when we don't meet our personal expectations. We might set a goal to lose or gain 20 lbs within a week and when it doesn't happen, we give up.

How about lowering that expectation? Instead of 20 lbs per week, set a more practical goal of 5 lbs and I can assure you that you will feel motivated to continue. As a result, you will reach the 20 lbs within a month.

Set practical expectations. It might take longer but the results are sure.

When we expect too much and get too little, we get disappointed, heart broken and tend to drift away into a desert of depression. On the other hand, when we expect less and get more, we get over elated.

Senario 1

You've been giving your spouse small hints of the expensive car that you want for your birthday. On the day you wake up thinking that he saw the hints and bought you the car.

He brought you a small box and you smile, thinking the key must be inside. You open the box and see a small pendant with your initial and a note which says, "This beautiful pendant is for the necklace I got you last year, happy birthday, my love."

How would you react?

Senario 2

You wake with very low expectations on your 25th birthday. Your partner walks in with breakfast which happened to be an egg and bacon sandwich with a glass of orange juice. You take it gracefully and give him a huge hug. (Its breakfast in bed after all).

You bite the sandwich for the third time and your teeth hit something really hard. You check and realize that it is a beautiful engagement ring; white gold with sapphire diamond.

How would you react?

Experience taught me to only have extremely high expectations from the man upstairs.

Biblical Wisdom: Psalms 62:5

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