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Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence.
~Simon & Garfunkel

(Listen to the song above while reading♥️.)


I was a little happy today considering all the sad events that had occurred I flew back to Toronto just for four days.

I decided to go check up on mom and dad and then I would spend some time with Lily but I have to be careful because I want to avoid you.

I went to the hospital and asked for my mom as I reached her door I could hear my parents talking.

I knocked and entered and said 'hi' to my mom and dad and hugged both of them after spending more time and telling them how it's like in Florida I left to go spend time with Lily.

I went to their house and her mother opened the door and she said Lily had gone to take a shower and asked me to wait,

she then also asked me for my phone number,

I gave it to her and saw little Lily running down the stairs shouting my name,

I smiled at her and we went out to play. This is how my four days went I alternated with Lily and my parents. I then flew back.

I would've stayed for longer but my midterms are coming up and I need to focus.

But, I wish I would've stayed,

Because then I could've prevented something which would've happened.


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