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Help me,
It's like the walls are caving in...
Sometimes I feel like giving up,
But I just can't.
It isn't in my blood.
~Shawn Mendes

(Play the song above while reading♥️)

Today I came back to school.
Everything was back to normal,
By normal I mean getting abused and walking to classes alone.

I also visited the therapist today,it was a repeat of yesterday.

She couldn't get me to say anything and she repeated the same line to my parents.
Is it weird that I think all of this is normal?

I met a little girl today, her name is Lily.
She asked me why my eyes didn't twinkle like the rest of the kids,
Weird thought for a kid right?
I told her my eyes don't shine like the others because my time to shine is yet, to come.

I met her mother the same day she was very sweet to me.
She sent me a sympathetic look.
I think she knows,
What I'm going through.

Lily asked me to meet her tomorrow, I told her I'll try my best.

I felt like she was one of the main reasons I'm looking forward for tomorrow.

I don't know whether I'll be alive tomorrow, but if I am then I
Will make sure I meet Little Lily.

I feel like,

She gives me a reason to live in this harsh world.

In this harsh reality we call life.


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