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Please have mercy on me,
Take it easy on my heart.
Even though you don't mean to hurt me,
You keep tearing me apart.

~Shawn Mendes

(Play the above song while reading♥️.)

I met Lily today.
She told me I have a very pretty smile,
and that I should smile more often.

I was shocked by that,
Nobody has called me pretty or beautiful in a really long time.

My parents always used to call me pretty or beautiful,
But they don't anymore. I don't know why that stopped.

I guess I now know why people don't like me.
In this world beauty and wealth is all that matters.

I know I'm not beautiful, but I know I'm decent when it comes to money but then,

Why don't I have any friends?

I also might not want friends because my one friend backstabbed me.
Am I not friendly? Am I not lovable?

Tell me what I should change about myself  so that I can have friends,

Someone who won't backstab me, but will also like me,
For who I am.


Is that so much to ask for?


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