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If you think you've had too much
Of this life
Well, hang on
'Cause everybody hurts
Take comfort in your friends, everybody hurts
Don't throw your hand,Oh, no
Don't throw your hand
If you feel like you're alone
No, no, no, you're not alone.
(As always please listen to the song above♥️.)

I moved in with my aunt yesterday.

Today is a Sunday and I start school tomorrow.

Ever since I arrived all I've got was disappointed stares,
which honestly right now is annoying.

I wasn't nervous for school because I knew that it would be exactly like my old school,
But something- maybe hope, I don't know- tells me that this school will be different.

For some reason I hope I make friends, my mom asked me to visit, I told her I would try.

She sounded like she didn't even want to see me.

She sounded like she didn't even care if I visited or not.

And most of all,
She sounded relieved.

Like she was so happy to get rid of me.

I think it's just me overthinking everything and maybe just maybe,

Someone actually cares.


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