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Leave this blue neighbourhood
Never knew loving could hurt this good, oh
  And it drives me wild

'Cause when you look like that
I've never ever wanted to be so bad, oh
  It drives me wild

~ Troye Sivan
(Play the above song while reading♥️.)

I love you.

I love you so much.

That it hurts.

It hurts because I know you will never love me back.

You will never realize that rumors especially,
Like that are never true.

*Story Time*

Me and Valencia were hiding behind the big oak tree away from Jack,
She turned to me and whispered, "Autumn, I see him right there we should run behind him and SURPRISE ATTACK him, what do you think?"
"Should I be honest or should I lie to you?" She turned to me with a frown on her face and said,

"You always say that whenever I make any suggestions, well I would like you to be honest."

"That was the most lamest suggestion you ever said, because...."

"Because?" She said dragging the ending letter.

I gave her the most solemn look I could muster up and said, "I'm thankful you are giving yourself up for me."

She looked confused then she looked behind her and screamed bloody murder. She then started laughing when Jack started tickling her.

She screamed at me, "You betrayer!! I'm going to get you back for this!"

*Time Skip to 1 year ahead*

"VAL!!!" I pulled her away and got hit by the car instead of her.
"AUTUMN! Why the HELL would you do that?" "AUTUMN" "AUTUMN!!" "AUTUMN?"

And slowly her words became faint and the darkness consumed me.

I woke up to an irritating beeping noise and a heavy weight on my right hand.


I heard a gasp and the weight was off from my hand. I heard a door open and incoherent shouting from beyond the door.

I then tried to open my eyes but it felt like there was a heavy weight on it.

After trying I opened them slowly and looked to my right, only to see Valencia staring wide eyed at me.

"D-d-do y-yo-u remember m-me?",
"of course I do, how can I forget my stupid best friend?"

She ran to me and hugged me and we laughed.

*Time Skip to after 5 years*

I ran away from home because everything was becoming overwhelming.
I was running when I felt a sudden deja vu and heard a familiar shout from behind me, "AUTUMM!! LOOK OUT!!" Before I  felt a shove and I fell to the ground before I heard a car slam into Val.

I gasp and run to her. "What the hell is wrong with you? I thought we decided that I would die for the both of us?!"

"I love you never forget that and I never agreed to that deal"

"I love you too"

Then we both said in unison, "Partners. Today, Tomorrow and Forever."
We smiled before I looked forward to see if Jack had called the ambulance.

He looked at me and nodded at me, I sighed in relief but when I looked down,

The life in her eyes already faded.

I screamed and looked at Jack only to find him staring at her with tears brimming in his eyes.


That's when I heard the rumors spreading like fire that couldn't be tamed.
They all gave me disgusted looks.

Those are the looks I knew very well, they were the looks that said, 'she should've died instead of Valencia'

Believe me I think of that everyday.

It should have been me who died.

That's why I'm bullied in school.

That's why I don't have any friends.


No Happy Endings.| ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora