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I find it kinda funny,
I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had
  I find it hard to tell you,
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles it's a very very
Mad world, mad world.
~Gary Jules

(Please listen to the above song while reading♥️.)


My mom had a miscarriage.

Apparently this happened a few weeks after I left Toronto.

She lost the baby girl which was in her womb.

Yes, I was going to have a sister.

She called me and told me she was sorry and that she lost the baby.

I asked what the gender was and she told me it was a girl.

I cut the call and sat in my room, noticing another heavy weight on my chest.

That day I never left my room, I just sat there and sketched what my baby sister could've looked like.

I guess the world really doesn't want me to be happy.


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