Chapter 1; The Project

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(Lucy's POV)

The name is Lucy Heartifila, a Junior of Fairy Tail Academy, a school for the gifted. It's the first day of school, and another year of fish & other things will come my way.

"Lu-chan!" my best friend, Levy, called over, in front of the school. I joined her with Wendy, and Erza.

"Ohayo!" I greeted.

"Ohayo," they smiled back.

"What do you have for your first period?" Wendy asked.

"I have Happy...." I sighed.

"Me too....." Levy added.

"Same here...." Erza sighed as well.

"Oh, I have Carla for my first class," Wendy smiled. Wendy is a freshman, but we knew her a while back at elementary.

'RIIIINNNGG!!!' The school bell went.

"See you guys later," Wendy left to go to her class.

"Bye, Wendy," I waved, and turned around with Levy & Erza behind me.

"More facts about we come....," Erza complained. We walked through the halls to Happy's classroom.

((Lucy, Levy, and Erza are one of the popular girls in school. Juvia will come in soon, but Juvia is popular for being a cute lone-wolf type of girl))

We entered the classroom, and every seat was taken except for three.
Levy sat down next to Gajeel, of course, she likes him.
Erza sat in the front row, near the window.
All that was left was a seat in the middle row, between a spirit and a dragon slayer. I sighed, and sat down.

"Hey, Lucy," Loki looked at me with a smirk on his face,"Are you free on 3rd period?"

"No," I firmly rejected him.

"Ohayo gosaimasu!" Happy greeted, in his teacher suit,"Welcome back! Today, we're gonna learn all about fish!"

Everyone in the class sighed.

"Just kidding!" Happy chuckled,"We're doing a project today, the assignment is to make a poster about caring for your comrades. Buuut, this is a partner assignment. You won't get to choose your partner, though, I will. This tests how good you are to your fellow comrades if you make the poster correctly. For example, if Gray and Natsu were partners, they would make this," Happy held up a torn up poster-paper,"This is not exactly how you're not supposed to do. Okay class?"

"Aye, sir!" The students replied.

"Jet and Droy are partners. Levy and Erza are partners. Loki and Aries are partners. Cana and Lisanna are partners. Gajeel and Jellal are partners. Juvia and Gray are partners......" Happy announced. It seems that everyone has a good partner, but who am I supposed to me partners with if Levy and Erza are taken?

"....Natsu and Lucy are partners."

"EEH??!?!?!?" Natsu and I blurted out in unison.

"Why!?!? We barely know each other!!!" I stood up.

"Yeah! We don't have anything in common!" Natsu yelled with me.

"You'll see. Both of you will get along, I know." Happy crossed his arms and put on a smirk. I looked at Natsu, and Natsu looked back at me, we're in the same position. I sat back down, realizing we do a lot of things in unison, crossing my arms. I heard Natsu sat back down too.

'Rrrriinnnggg!' The school bell went.

"Bye everyone! Oh! And you have yo get started on that project or no fish or you!" Happy waved goodbye as everyone left the classroom.

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