Chapter 42

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"Mature themes" in this part

I couldn't stop.

I couldn't help but kiss him over and over.

But I knew it was wrong.

"Wait", I said pulling away.

"What's wrong?", Taylor asked.

"This! This is wrong!".

We both sat up in bed.

"I'm literally sharing this room with Cam! The guy I came here with!".

"But Aj, you're not dating him", he kissed me again.

"I know, but I can't be with both of you".

We kissed some more.

"You don't have to be with me", Taylor smirked.
"How about, friends with benefits?".

"Oh my god Taylor".

"I'm serious!", he said jumping off the bed.
"You and Cam can go on dates and hold hands, while you and I are making out and doing it!".

I threw a pillow at him.

He kissed me again.
"Convinced yet?".

"Cam could literally walk in here at any moment. And how would all this work any way?".

"Well", he sat down next to me.

"We could sneak off, pretend we're doing some Carter and Demi spying. Or maybe just go to 'lunch'. But I'm pretty sure you're the only snack I'll be having".

"Oh my god", I kissed him again.
"Fine, it's not like I'm cheating. Cam and I just started our fling a few days ago".

He got on top of me.
"You're serious? You want to do this?".

"Yes", I kissed him.
"But not here; later".

I crawled out from under him and we laughed.

I was praying that this wouldn't go terribly wrong. I just liked both of them so much!

Taylor and I emerged from the hotel room and walked to the lobby.

Jack G was there alone.

"I have to go", Taylor said, pulling me aside to kiss me goodbye.

I waved him off and walked over to Jack.

"Hey Gilinsky!", I said, sitting down next to him.

"Aj! You have no idea how happy I am that you came back!".

He hugged me.

"I really missed you Jack. You're one of the few who still like me".

He sighed, "Everyone likes you Aj. Who cares about Carter, or Matt, or Demi! They don't deserve you!".

He's the sweetest.

"Why are you sitting here alone?", I asked him.

"Oh, well I'm kinda waiting for someone", he started to blush.

"Oh really?", I smirked.
"A special someone".


He glanced over my shoulder to reveal a tall brunette.

"Aj", he said standing up to greet the girl.
"This is Madison".

Madison looked me up and down, apparently ignoring that I was looking right at her.

She smiled, "Aj... Isn't that a boys name?".

"No, no Mads. It's short for Abigail Jr.", Jack corrected her.

"Oh, well nice to meet you".

She shook my hand.


Gilinsky took off with the girl, leaving me in an odd place.

Who was she to tell me about my name?

Like I didn't know that already.

Later on we all met up to talk about the Magcon event happening tomorrow.

Gilinsky was there, but no Madison.

Can was there, next to me holding my hand.

Taylor was to my left, resting his arm on the back of my chair.

Carter and Demi sat in the back of the room.

Matt sat in front of them with Sammy.

And there I sat, square in the middle of all this chaos.

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