Chapter 31

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My alarm went off at 4:30 am.

Aaron and I jumped out of bed.

"I call the shower first", he said, running to the bathroom and nearly falling in the process.

I grabbed my phone, not really caring that he got up first, and scrolled through Twitter, then tweeted about Magcon Boston.

A few minutes later Aaron walked out of the bathroom in a towel.

"Put some clothes on slut", I said jokingly.

He rolled his eyes as I grabbed my clothes to go shower next.

Later on we were ready to go.

Grabbing our things, Aaron and I left the hotel room and met everyone in the lobby.

Bart was checking out while the rest of us stood around.

"Hi babe", I said walking up to Matt.

He yawned, not noticing my presence.

"Matt?", I said again.

"Oh! Hi!", he said startled.

"You're a little tired aren't you?", I laughed, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him.

He nodded his head and pulled me close to his body.

"Aw how cute!", Hayes snickered.

"Fuck off, I'm too tired to deal with your shit", Matt slurred.

"I haven't seen you in a while Hayes", I said, trying to make conversation.

"That's because Nash doesn't let me go to big parties", he rolled his eyes, looking at his brother who was passed out on the lobby couch.

"Just come next time. Forget Nash, he doesn't know how to party", I smirked.

Hayes smiled, looking me up and down.

He was cute, I wasn't going to lie.

But I wasn't about to admit that to anyone, ever.

"Ok, lets go get on the bus!", Bart yelled, causing us to all groan.

"Too early to be this loud", Jack Johnson complained.

Matt and I let go of each other and we all walked to the bus.

It was super dark out, but surprisingly warm for such an early May morning.

We all went to our bunks and immediately fell asleep, well, I didn't.

All I could do was stare at Carters empty bed.

Shivers went up and down my spine.

I couldn't imagine what he was doing right now...

I woke up to Cam screaming about something I didn't really care about.

I took my pillow and put it over my head to drown out the sound.

I felt someone tap my arm.

I took the pillow off and saw Matt hanging his head down from his bunk into mine.

"You up?", he laughed.

"I am now, thanks to Cam", I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry Abs! But there was a bee in my bunk!", he frantically told me.

"He fell from the top bunk onto the floor", Aaron laughed, barely able to catch his breath.

"Damn, now I'm kinda sad I missed it", I said sitting on the edge of my bunk.

Matt hopped down from his and crawled into mine.

"What time is it?" I asked him.

"Like 7:30. We'll be there in an hour or so".

I grabbed my phone to see what was happening in the world.

I scrolled through my notifications and noticed a text from Sahar.

Sahar: Good morning stranger! You still in Ohio?

Me: I'm currently in New York, I think? I'm on a tour bus

Sahar: Darn, I wanted to hang out 😕 Where you headed?

Me: Boston, got a show later today

Sahar: Maybe I'll swing by

Me: You're hours away from Boston

Sahar: My friend has a car.. I might be going to Magcon today!

Me: Well maybe I'll see you later 😂👍🏼

Sahar: Maybe 😉 Ttyl Stranger

"Who you texting?", Matt asked, looking at my phone.

"Oh, I never told you did I?".

He shrugged his shoulders.

"Before Magcon yesterday, I was still a little shaken up about, you know, and went for a walk in the park".

"There was this girl there, and she randomly started talking to me, and I ended up telling her about everything that's been happening in my life".

Matt's eyes got wide.

"So she knows about Carter?".


"And the plan?".


"And Demi?".


"Aj honey, this girl is a complete stranger!", Matt said, freaking out.

"That's what I thought too. But she recognized me! She was a fan! And super nice!".

"Well.. I'm glad you're making friends?", he raised his eyebrow.

"She might come to the show tonight. I'll introduce you to her".

"Ok, weirdo".

He kissed me and smiled.

"You're a weirdo", I bit my lip and winked at him.

"Ugh are you two about to fuck or something?", Nash yelled.

"Shut up Nash, I know you want to watch".

"Matt!", I yelled, slapping his arm.

"Kidding!", he quickly yelled back.

"You two are the oddest but best couple I know", Nash smiled.

"Well I'm going back to bed", Matt jumped up to his bunk.

I got up to go find my suitcase so I could put on some makeup.

"Hi Abigail", Jack J said as I walked to the front of the bus.

"Hi Jack", I said, searching around for my things.

"Whatcha looking for?", he asked.

"My suitcase. Have you seen it?".

He raised an eyebrow.

"Is this it?".
He stood up to reveal my suitcase under him.

"You were using it as a seat! You're surrounded by seats!".

I grabbed my things and stormed off.

"Hey! At least I didn't break it!".

Sorry for spelling errors! I'm too lazy to go through and check

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