Chapter 35

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I anxiously waited for a response back, but didn't really expect one.

I took my drinks and muffin back upstairs to Matt.

He was sitting in bed once again, but surprisingly dressed and ready.

"Yes! Food!", he yelled and I threw the muffin at him.

I sat down on the bed and handed him his coffee.

"Thank you baby", he said.

I smiled and kissed his head.

Matt took a bite of his food.

"What's wrong? You're awfully quite today", he asked with a mouth full of food.

I sighed.

"I didn't really want to tell you this right now, well, show you this".

He raised an eyebrow as I unlocked my phone, showing him the picture of Demi and Carter.

He choked on his muffin.

"Holy shit!".

He sat up and looked at the picture.

"What the fuck is this?".

"I don't know. Sahar, Chantel, and Kelsey showed it to me last night. I freaked out. I couldn't sleep, I worked out at 4:30 in the morning I was so upset!".

Matt didn't say anything.

He kept running his hands through his hair.

"Does anyone else know?", he asked.

"Cam. That's only because I saw him in the gym this morning".

He was quiet again.

"We need to tell everyone. Just so they don't get in contact with either of them".

My stomach tied in a knot.

"What? Why do you look like that all of a sudden", Matt looked at me.

I buried my face in my hands.

"I may have texted Demi a few minutes ago".

Matt took my phone and opened my messages.

"Oh my god Aj! You're going to start so much shit!".

"I'm sorry!", I yelled back.
"I'm sick of people ruining our lives! Especially mine!".

No one said anything.

Matt kept his eyes on my phone.

"I need to start taking control and not letting everyone fuck with me".

He continued to look at my phone.

"Will you at least look at me!".

He looked up with worry in his eyes.

"She responded".

My eyes widened as I grabbed my phone.

It said;

Sweet, sweet Abigail. Yes, Carter and I are together. Yes, we are dating. That's only because he was sick of chasing after you. I know he's twisted, but aren't we all a little mad? I decided to forgive him for what he did, I mean, he did pay me a LOT to mess with you. It was mostly all acting anyway, right? I can't promise that I'll leave you alone, thats only because we might be spending some time together, very soon.

Kisses, Demi

I threw my phone.

"What does she mean we'll be spending time together soon?".

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