Chapter 30

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The show was about to start.

The crowd was cheering.

But first, an announcement had to be made:

"Hello everyone".
Bart said into the microphone, causing an uproar of screams.

"I know you're all excited to see everyone, but first I need to make an announcement".

The room got quite, other than a few whispers.

All of us back stage knew what he was about to say.

My stomach twisted in a knot.

"Last night, I had to make a decision that could possibly affect this tour. Carter Reynolds was kicked off Magcon. For the sake of his privacy, we will not be releasing why".

Many 'boos' came from the audience.

Some people even left.

Matt came up behind me and hugged me.

I loved feeling protected by him.

Soon enough, it was time to start the show.

First, Jack and Jack sang a bunch of their songs. Then, Taylor performed with Aaron.

Now, it was Shawn and my turn to sing.

I started to shake as we walked on stage.

I took a deep breath, listening to the crowd cheering our names.

In that moment, I knew I could do this.

The music started playing, Shawn started singing.

Before I knew it the words were flying out of my mouth gracefully.

I wasn't scared anymore.

Because I finally realized that Carter was gone, and all my problems drifted away.


As usual, after the show we were supposed to go to dinner.

"I'll be a few minutes late", I told Aaron, remembering Matt and I had to do meet Demi at Starbucks.

"Ok, I'll text you the address", he said, walking out the door since it was time for them to leave.

I picked up my phone and called Matt.

"Hey", he answered.

"I forgot to mention this, but we have to take a little detour".

"What's up?".

"Well, Demi wants to meet us, and talk".

"About?", he asked.

"No clue. It won't take long, I just need you to go".

"Anything for you. I'll be at your door in 2 minutes".

I hung up the phone and grabbed my purse.

Soon enough there was a knock on my door.

I opened it to reveal Matt's smiling face.

He picked me up and spun me around in a circle.

I laughed and yelled his name.

He kissed me while setting me down.

"I love you", he said, with a giant grin on his face.

"I love you too", I said kissing him a second time.

My phone began to ring.

I took it out of my back pocket to see who it was.

"It's Demi", I told Matt.

"She's waiting for us".

We walked to Starbucks since it was so close.

Through the window as we approached the entrance, I could see Demi sitting there alone.

We walked inside and over to her table, where she sat looking at her phone.

Matt cleared his throat, causing her to look up at us.

"Oh, hi guys", she said, standing up to give me a hug.

It was a little awkward at first, but I didn't mind.

"So, what did you want to talk about?", I asked as Matt and I sat down across from her.

"Well, I really just wanted to see how you were doing, and update you on Carters whereabouts".

I shuttered. Just his name made me want to vomit.

"I guess I'm ok. I was really shaken last night and some of this morning. But I'm doing better".

It was silent for a moment.

"Uh, let me go get you a drink", Matt said, standing up.

"Ok", I replied.

Demi watched as Matt walked away, then bringing her attention back to me.

I furrowed my brow, wondering why she looked at him like that, but shook it off.

"So, about Carter", Demi started.
"Last I heard he took a plane back to LA. I believe he's staying in a hotel since he has no money at the moment".

"Good", I said. "I hope he's struggling".

"Oh don't worry, he'll be struggling after what we did to him yesterday", she smirked.

"What?", I asked.

"Never mind", Demi said shaking her head. "Forget I said anything".

Soon enough Matt came back with drinks.

"Well Demi, we really appreciate that you cared enough to see how Aj was doing", Matt said.

"Don't worry about it. I just feel so terrible for what Carter, and I, put you two through".

She stood up and came over to hug me again.

"If anything else happens, just let me know", she said.

"Ok, you too".

She grabbed her drink and waved goodbye, walking out the front door.

Matt looked at me.
"Please tell me you thought that was odd too".

"A little", I said, remembering the way she looked at Matt.

"But forget it, we have a dinner to go to".

I stood up and Matt followed.

Conveniently, Matt ordered an Uber while waiting for the drinks, so it was here waiting for us when we left Starbucks.


"Dinner was good", I said to Aaron as we got back to our hotel room.

"Ya, I just can't wait to sleep. Today was tiring".

He threw his things on the floor and jumped into bed.

I laughed and started to pick up some things and putting them in my suitcase.

Tomorrow morning we were driving to Boston.

But we didn't get a day to have fun and go out, the actual Boston show was tomorrow.

So just to be safe, I got all my things together and left everything for the morning sitting out.

I changed into more comfortable clothes and got in bed.

"Good night Aaron", I said, shutting off the lights.

Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

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