Chapter 14

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5 hours before Magcon:

I woke up the next day pretty excited for Magcon Philly. I had never sang live before and I was ready for the experience.

I took a shower and put on some fresh clothes so I could get some breakfast in the lobby.

I grabbed my phone and quietly went out the door, trying not to wake Matt up.

There were only a few people getting food, since it was only 7:30, but surely enough, the one person I was trying to avoid was in the room; Carter.

At first we shared awkward eye contact and then just looked away. I stood on the opposite side of the room and decided to make a waffle.

I could see him looking at me out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head so he wasn't able to see my face, and once my food was done I found a table away from him and facing the other direction.

I was trying to ignore the fact that I could feel Carters eyes burning into the back of my head by tweeting about Magcon.

@ajrobinson - Can't wait to meet all of my amazing fans today! #magconphilly 💋

I sent the tweet and favorited some of the responses, but I was interrupted when a cold hand touched my shoulder.


I jumped, almost choking on my waffle.
It was obviously Carter.

"Oh sorry, didn't mean to make you choke".

"It's fine", I said while coughing.

"Um, can I sit?", he asked.

I was about to say, "No you can't because you're planning on breaking me and my boyfriend up so don't you even think about sitting near me or I'll kick your ass", but I couldn't let him know I knew about his evil scheme, so I said "I guess".

He pulled out the seat across from me and sat down.

"So uh, how've you been?".

"Pretty great actually, minus a few other things", I said finishing my food.

"Well what are those things?".

"I'm just stressed, that's all", I said grinding my teeth, trying not to scream that all the stress was from him.

"Well things have been pretty great for me too. I've been planning some big things", he smirked.

"What're you smirking at?", I snapped, rolling my eyes.

"Oh nothin', I'm just thinking about how wonderful things will be once my plans have commenced".

We both stared each other down for a good minute, and I think he had a sneaking suspicion I knew something was up.

"Well I better get going, tell Matt I said 'hey' ", Carter winked.

I groaned as he walked away. "What an ass".
My phone vibrated in my pocket; a text from Matt.

Matt - Good morning! Where you at? I want to cuddle! Come back asap

Aj - Be there in 2 minutes!

I picked up my dishes and walked back to the room where I found my perfect boyfriend spread out on the bed.

"Hey there", I said, laying down next to him.

He wrapped his body around me and held me close.

"So where'd you run off to?".

"I got some waffles", I answered.

"Who with?".

I paused, "Just me, there were only like 5 other people down there".

Then it hit me, Matt knew nothing about the plan, and I was supposed to tell him if anything else happened with Carter.

"Woah, I can feel your heart beating out of your chest! Is everything alright?", Matt asked.

"I'm fine, we should probably just get ready. The show starts in 4 hours".

Just wanted to say sorry for not updating in such a long time.. I've been really busy with school and other things but I'm trying to write whenever I can 💙 New chapter coming soon!

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