Chapter 39

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I stared at the one person I never expected to show up at my house; my boyfriend.

"Matt, what're you doing here?".

"I came to find you".

He pointed at Cam.

"What's he doing here?".

"I came to see her too", Cam said.

Matt scoffed.
"Didn't you see enough of her in your room the other night?".

"Ok Matt", I snapped.
"Don't just show up at my house to start trouble".

He walked up to me and put his hands on my waist.

"I'm sorry, ok? I'm sorry that I only cared about money and our fans when you were feeling unsafe".

"It was selfish, alright? I know that now. Can we just put this in the past?".

I looked at Cam, and then at Matt.

In one face I saw the past, and present.

In the other, I saw the future.

"No Matt, we can't".

He let go of me.

"Matt, we've had too many problems these past few weeks. With the plan, Demi, you not agreeing with my decisions. It's too much".

He took a deep breath.
"Why can't we just work these problems out?".

I started tearing up. I didn't think that this would be happening so soon.

"Matt, I love you, so much, but we need to break up".

I felt my heart break in two. It was so hard, but this wasn't working out anymore.

"Fine", Matt sniffed.
"Ok Aj, if that's what you want".

He wiped a tear off his cheek.

"If you want to be with him, fuck it, I don't care".

He stormed off through the house and out the front door.

"Oh Matt".

I broke down and fell to the ground.

Megan sat down and hugged me.

I never thought we'd be breaking up. But I never expected any of this to happen. Who knew what the future held.

After a few hours of laying in bed, I decided to go downstairs.

Cam and Megan were in the kitchen talking.

"Hi guys", I said.

"Hey", Cam said, walking over to hug me.
"How are you?".

"I've been better".

"We're sorry Aj", Megan said.

"Y'know? It's ok. Matt is not someone I need to be with anymore. He brought me down too many times".

Cam hugged me again.

"Hey, want to go get some food?", I asked them.
"I'm starving".

Megan nodded, "Sure! Where to?".

"Um... In and Out? I haven't had it in a while".

Cam laughed, "Perfect, I could go for a burger right now".

I went upstairs and changed.

Cam and Megan were waiting at the bottom of the stairs when I came down.

"You look gorgeous", Cam said, looking me up and down.

I started to blush, "Thanks".

We laughed and walked outside to the car.

Meg drove and I sat in the passenger seat.

"Drive faster, I'm starving!", Cam yelled from the back seat.

"We're almost there!", she yelled back.

Finally, we pulled into the parking lot and went inside. It was nice to sit down and just forget all my problems.

Cam and my sister made me happy, and that's all that mattered, at least, right now...

Please don't hate me for this chapter!

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