Chapter 6

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I woke up the next day. I couldn't stop thinking about Matt.
We have to meet Bart this morning to discus our next Magcon event.

Aaron's in the bathroom taking forever!
" Aaron hurry up! We have to leave in 20 minutes! ".
He opened the door as soon as I finished.
" I'm done geez ", he laughed.
" Tell me when it's time to go if I'm still in here ".
He nodded.

I took a shower and curled my hair.
I put on a sweater and some leggings.
I put on light makeup too.

I opened the door and took my phone off the charger.
" Time to go Aaron ", I said, putting on my white vans.
We left the room and walked to the elevator.
" I wonder where our next stop is ", he said.
" Same ".
We walked into the " Magcon " room. Surprisingly, we were the first to arrive.
" Good morning you two ", Bart said.
" Morning Bart ", I replied.
Aaron and I sat down in some chairs that were laying around the room.

A few minutes later everyone else arrived. Carter sat next to me, Matt was probably mad about that.
" Morning Aj ", he said.
" Sup Cartah ", I said.
" Ok everyone ", Bart said " It's time to discus our second Magcon event! ".
" Woo-hoo! ", we all cheered.
" Our next stop is.. Philadelphia! It's a very short plane ride, only an hour and a half. I'll give you your tickets tomorrow at the airport, and room assignments at the hotel. See you guys later! ".

We all got up and walked out of the room.
Someone came up behind me and covered my eyes.
" Guess who? ".
I know that voice from anywhere.
" Hi Matt ", I said, turning around to see his ADORABLE face.
" So, I thought, since it's our last day in New York, let's explore the city! ", he said excitedly.
" Omg! I've never been to New York! Let's go now! ".

I started running out of the room, dragging Matt behind me.
" Hold up Aj ", he stopped and laughed. " It's a little cold out there, being fall and all. I need to dress a little differently ".
" Ok fine Matt, meet you here in 10? ", I said.
" See you then ", we walked to the elevator and went to our separate rooms.

I went into my room and put on a jacket, beanie, and scarf.
After a few minutes, I walked back to the lobby to see Matt waiting.
I ran up to him and jumped on his back.
" Ready now? ", I asked.
" Hi Aj, yes I'm ready ", he said laughing.

We walked out the door and into the chilly fall air. I held his hand and cuddled up against his side.

We turned the corner and saw a horse and carriage.
" Is this for us?! ", I asked excitedly.
" Yup, it's going to take us all around New York! ".

He helped me climb up the stairs and into the carriage.
We sat down and the driver got us moving.

" First, how about some lunch? ", he asked.
" Sounds great! ".

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