Chapter 3

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We pulled up to the hotel. Everyone piled into the elevator.
When the doors opened, Cam and Taylor fell out. I laughed and helped them up.
" Thanks Aj ", they said.
" Ok room assignments! ", Bart said, and we all gathered around him.
" Cam and Nash, Carter and Matt, Shawn, Taylor, and Hayes, Aj and Aaron, and Jack and Jack ".
We all got our room keys and went our separate ways.
Aaron and I opened the door.
" Hey Aj, can I have this bed? ", Aaron asked.
" Sure ", I said.
We unpacked our things. Aaron's my age, so hopefully we'll get along just fine.
" So Aj, what part of California do you live in? ".
" L.A. ", I said.
" Me too! How have I never seen you around? ".
" Well my family just moved there. My aunt found a new job in the area ".
" What about your parents? ".
" Oh. They died in a fire when I was five ".
" I'm so sorry Aj ", he said.
" It's ok really. Enough about me, tell me about yourself ".
We talked for what seemed like forever. Aaron is so interesting. He's a great listener, but I love listening to him.
" So, how do you feel about this whole Magcon experience? ", he asked me.
" I'm really excited to meet all my fans. It's really going to be so much fun! ".
" I know right, I can't wait for tomorrow ".
We heard a knock at the door. I got up to see who it was.
I opened the door to see all the guys standing there.
" Hey guys ", I said giggling.
" Can we come in? ", Matt asked.
" Please Aj ", Jack G said.
" Ok, come in ", I said moving out of their way.
They all ran in and piled on the two beds.
" Way to barge in guys ", Aaron said angrily.
" Chill Aaron, we just wanted to see Aj ", Hayes said.
" Really? You came to see me! ".
" Of course! We want to get to know you! ", Shawn said.
They all started asking me questions at once.
" Ok guys! ", I said, " You can all ask me one question ".
" Can I go first? ", Jack J said.
" Sure ", I laughed.
" How old are you? Around our age? ".
" Duh, she's 18! Anyone who watches her YouTube videos would know that! ", Matt said.
We both started blushing.
" my videos? ".
" Yes, I do ".
" Ooo, does Matt have a crush? ", Taylor said.
" No! Well maybe.. ".
It was silent, until Cam started jumping up and down.
" I have a question! ".
" Ok shoot ", I said.
" What inspired you to to make vines and YouTube videos? ".
" Well, when I was in middle school I was really depressed. No one talked to me, and I had no friends. But making videos for others to enjoy made me feel great! All my fans were there for me when I needed them. So that's why I started making videos ".
One by one they all asked their questions, until only Hayes was left.
" Ok little bro, last question ", Nash said.
" Um, do you have a boyfriend? ".
Everyone was " ooo "ing.
" No Hayes I don't ", I laughed.
" Oh ya! She single! ", Taylor shouted.
They all started talking about who was going to ask me out first, and who likes me more.
I just sat there, kinda enjoying it. I've never had boys " fighting " over me! This was definitely different.
Who does Aj like? Who likes Aj? Will someone ask her out? Read the next chapter to find out!

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