Chapter 5

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After everyone calmed down, we all sat on the edge of the stage.

Bart came back on stage and started to speak.
" Ok everyone! Now that you've gotten to know each member, we're going to start the question part of Magcon! ".

Hundreds of hands shot up. There was so many to choose from.
Cam chose first.
" You right there ", he pointed to a blonde girl standing in the front.

" Hi guys! I'm Maddie! I just wanted to know Aj, what's it like being the only girl in Magcon? ".

" Well to be honest, it's awesome! There's no other competition, I get the guys to my self! ", I winked at Maddie, she laughed.

" The girl in the green shirt ", Carter said pointing to a fan.

" Are all of you single? ", she asked.

" Yup ", we all said at once.

Everyone laughed in the crowd.
We all called on a bunch of fans. Tons of questions thrown at us.

Finally, I called on the last girl.

" So, random question ", she started, " If any of you guys got the chance to ask Aj out, how many of you would? ".

They all raised their hands, including Hayes.
My mouth dropped open.
Omg! I'm not even that hot!


We wrapped up Magcon and headed to our hotel rooms.

We're going out for dinner soon, so I'm getting ready.
I put on a black crop top, a black mini skirt, and black flats.
I French braided my hair.

Aaron was sitting on his bed looking at his phone.
" You look nice Aaron ", I said.
He looked up. His eyes got wider.
" Wow Aj, you look amazing! ".
" Thanks ", I smiled.
Someone knocked on the door.
" Time to go! ", Shawn yelled.
We opened the door to see the rest of the guys waiting for us.
" Zayum Aj you're lookin fine tonight ", Cam said.
" You don't look bad yourself Mr. Dallas ".

We walked to the limo and got in.
I sat next to Carter.
It was really quiet in the limo, so I texted Carter.

Me : Did you have fun at today's event?
Cartah 🙈 : Totally ( blonde girl voice )
Me : Hey I'm blonde! 😠
Cartah 🙈 : Other blonde girl who ARENT Aj. How's that?
Me : Better 😎

We pulled up to the restaurant. It's a gorgeous 5-star restaurant! Good thing I dressed up!

I sat down next to Nash and Cam, Matt sat across from me.
We all were talking about random things.
Shawn and Taylor were talking about me.
Aaron and Hayes were talking about Magcon.
Jack and Jack were talking about music.
Cam, Nash, and Carter were talking about me also..
And I was talking to Matt, through text. ( lol )

Matt 😏🔥 : I'm starving! Someone take my order already!
Me : Enough about food, we need to talk about you having a crush on me. 😏
Matt 😏🔥 : I do not have a crush on you!
Me : Oh ya? You admitted you watch my YouTube videos, you said you have a crush on me, and you held my hand at Magcon! If that doesn't me you like me I don't know what does!
Matt 😏🔥 : Ok fine, maybe I do have a crush on you..
Me : I knew it! Oooo Matt likessss meeeee!
Matt 😏🔥 : Well since I like you SOOOO much! Let's go on a date. Tomorrow, after our meeting with Bart.
Me : Sounds good Mr. Espinosa 😜

I could feel myself blushing. Matt actually asked me out?!
What about everyone else? What will they think?!

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