Chapter 26

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Aj's POV:

Everything happened so fast.

Carter was on top of me.

Matt and Demi opened the door.

I fell and Demi was hugging me.

And Matt punched Carter.

I slowly came back to reality and realized I was being held by Matt now.

"Aj, I'm so sorry", he kept saying over and over.

"Wh-what's going on?", I managed to say.

"That was the plan in action Aj, Demi stopped it".

Demi smiled a nervous smile and waved.

"You? But you're friends with Carter, a crazy stalker I might add".

"Only an act", she shrugged. "I never realized this was the role I was playing. That douche hired me".

She pointed to Carter unconscious body laying on the bed.

"Wow", I said sighing. The plan was really over; and failed.

Matt helped me up and we walked downstairs with Demi.

"Guys? What's going on?", Cam said running up to us, Jack and Jack followed.

"Um, the plan just happened", I said, making them gasp. "But it didn't work, thanks to her".

I nodded my head towards Demi, who was trying to hide behind Matt and I.

"Demi?", Jack J said.

"I was sick of Carters craziness. I told Matt what was happening, and we stopped him. Well, almost". She said, rubbing the back of her neck, ashamed she hadn't found me sooner.

"What do you mean almost?", Gilinsky asked.

"I don't want to talk about it", I quickly stepped in. "Matt and I are Ubering home. See you guys later".

They said there goodbyes and stayed to talk with Demi.

The ride home was quiet. I cried silently trying not to let Matt hear, I'm pretty sure he did though.

At the hotel, we decided it was a good idea to tell Bart what had happened. We went to his hotel room and told him, (he wasn't very happy we woke him at 1 a.m.) but he was glad I told him what happened, and took action immediately.

I didn't sleep that much at night. Matt stayed in my room and Aaron, being the sweet guy he is, stayed in Taylor's room for the night.

I didn't know what happened to Carter. He must've come back from the party, or maybe someone found him there? I didn't really care either way.

In the morning, Bart called us down to the lobby for an emergency meeting. There was a few hours until Magcon Columbus, so we had to make it quick.

"Ok everyone", Bart said trying to calm us down from being loud (mostly Jack J and Hayes).

"I'm sure most of you know what happened last night".
My face got hot and I tried not to make eye contact with anyone, because of course they all knew; word travels fast.

"Because of the harassment made by Carter, he has been kicked off tour until further notice".

A weight lifted off my shoulders. I sighed in relief and hugged Matt.

"Oh thank god!", Taylor yelled.
Bart glared at him.

"Oops. I mean, it's for the best".

"Yes it is for the best. We want nothing more than our members of Magcon to be save", Bart smiled at me.

I mouthed, 'thank you'.

"Ok, you can leave now. Magcon in 4 hours!".

We all got up and all the guys ran over to me.

We had a big group hug, and I was crammed in the center.

"We love you Aj", Aaron said.

"And fuck you Carter!", Gilinsky yelled.

"I love you guys", I laughed.

Carters gone! Well, for now...

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