Chapter 13

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Aj's POV:

After rehearsals Cam, Nash, Matt, and I went out to eat. The other guys were all spread around the city too, doing whatever they wanted.

We walked from the venue to a near by pizza place.

We sat down at a table debating on what to get.

"There's so many choices!", Cam exclaimed. "I can't just choose one!".

"Ok, I'll get the meat lovers and you get the Hawaiian. That way we can have both", Nash said.

"Good thinking", I laughed.

I was trying to wear a smile, but deep down I was still hurt, thinking about Carter's plan...

Matt leaned over and kissed my head. "I love you", he whispered in my ear.

I blushed. I was so lucky to have him, and the thought of us breaking up crushed me.

"What do you want Abs?", Cam asked me.

"Oh so now I'm 'Abs'?".

"Well I figured, everyone calls you Aj, so why not think of a new name!".

"I actually like the sound of that! I approve!".

"Great! So how about we go order some pizza?", Cam stood up and walked to the front desk.

"I'll order for you babe", Matt said standing up.

"Here", I handed him some money, but he refused to take it.

"We've already had this discussion; I'm not letting you pay as long as I'm around".

He pushed my hand back towards me, and I put the money back in my pocket.

"Matt's pretty lucky to have a girl like you", Nash said smirking.

"Why do you say that?", I asked.

"Well, you're talented, you're gorgeous, and there's a certain sparkle in your eye that intrigues us all".

"Nash you're so funny", I joked.

"I'm not kidding! You're amazing Aj! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, alright?".

"Alright, thanks Nash", I smiled at him from across the table.

"We've got pizza!", Cam shouted running over to our table. He nearly dropped the food.

"Thanks guys! I'm glad I got to spend time with my best friends tonight", I said.

"Me too. Who's excited for the show tomorrow?!", Matt said with a mouth full of pepperoni pizza.

"I'm kinda nervous", Cam said, "I'm performing my song for the first time".

"She Bad is a great song Cam and everyone will love it!", I reassured him.

"Thanks Abs, I can't wait to see you perform!".

I had completely forgotten, I was performing one of my most viewed cover songs on YouTube; Shower - Becky G. It had over 400,000 views!

"Ya I'm pretty excited to sing live! Plus, I have a special surprise at the end of the song", I smirked.

"Oh really?", Matt laughed.

"Yup, you'll find out what it is soon enough".

We finished eating and took a cab back to the hotel.
Matt and my hands intertwined as we walked to our room.
We unlocked the door and flopped on the bed.

"What time is it babe?", Matt asked while yawning.

"9:30", I said checking my phone.

"We should get some sleep", he said, cuddling up next to me.
I kissed his head.

"Matt", I whispered.


"You've made me so happy recently. I love you".

I ran my hands through his messy hair.

"I love you too, thanks for letting me make you happy".

Matt laid his head on my stomach and fell asleep. I eventually moved him over to his side of the bed so I could get ready for bed too.

I got up and turned off the lights. I put on one of his sweatshirts and climbed back in bed.

I kissed my amazing boyfriend on the nose and fell asleep in his arms.

I needed all the rest I could get, tomorrow would be a crazy day...

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