Chapter 33

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I called Sahar's name and waved her over.

She saw me and smiled.

"Aj! Hi!", she said walking over.

"Hi! Sahar this is Matt. Matt, Sahar", I said giving him a look.

"Nice to meet you", he said shaking her hand.

Sahar's other friend cleared her throat, as to get her attention.

"Oh ya, Aj, this is Kelsey".

I said hi.

"And you already know Chantel".

"Hey Aj!", she said and hugged me.

"How do you two know each other?", I asked.

"Well we're both friends with Kelsey, but I told them I was going to Magcon, and Chantel mentioned your name", Sahar explained.

"So she said she was coming to see you, and I said I'd go too!", Chantel exclaimed.

"I'm just here because I have the car", Kelsey said, making us laugh.

"Well we've got to get going", I said, holding Matt's hand.

"We'll see you after the show!".

They waved goodbye and we continued to meet fans.

"So she isn't a stranger", Matt laughed.

"I told you!", I smiled.

We finished the meet and greet and started the show.

Matt, Nash, and Hayes' truth or dare video was hilarious!

Matt had to eat sardines mixed with horseradish.

Nash had to pour applesauce and eggs all over his head.

And Hayes told everyone he had a crush on someone.

Sammy joined Taylor and they performed.

Finally, it was time for my song with Jack and Jack.

We walked on stage and the crowd went crazy!

We sang Cold Hearted, and I could see Sahar dancing in the audience.

That made me smile.

I left the stage and the Jacks kept performing.

"That was great!", Matt yelled, picking me up and spinning me around.

"Thanks", I smiled.

"You're so talented, I love you".

"I love you too", I said.
"Even if you smell like sardines".

After the show we all went to dinner.

Sammy sat next to me, I don't know why.

He gave me a weird vibe, so I kinda ignored him.

"Aj, you were great today with Jack and Jack", Hayes yelled from the other end of the table.

"Thank you! But they're the ones with the real talent".

"Not true. You're better than us", Gilinsky nodded.

"I hate when you guys say that. I suck".

Johnson threw his fork, "You do not suck Abigail Robinson!".

"Stop throwing things!", Aaron said, freaking out.

"Sorry Jack, I just don't see my so called talent".

"Well I do. We all do!", he yelled.

"It's true, even I see it", Sammy said.

"Aj, you're amazing, ok?", Matt said, holding my hand.

I sighed, "I guess you're right. I love you guys".

"We love you too!", Jack J screamed.

Gilinsky rolled his eyes.

The guys kept eating, I left to go to the bathroom.

As I was walking out I ran into Sammy.

"Hey", he said.


"Look, I know what happened with Carter, and I just wanted to say sorry".

My heart stopped, "Seems like everyone knows nowadays".

"I didn't mean to make you upset. I've just been thinking about it and wanted to say I'm here for you".

Wow, I was being rude to a really nice guy. That made me feel shitty.

"Thank you Sammy, that means a lot".

He nodded and walked into the men's bathroom.


Later at the hotel, Matt and I started getting ready for bed.

"I'm so glad it's Friday and we get the whole weekend off", Matt said.

"Same, I've been needing a break".

"You doing ok? I haven't checked up on you in a while", Matt said, sitting down on the bed.

"Ya, I'm fine, I guess", I sat next to him.

"Sammy said he knew about what happened, and he was sorry. It's crazy how fast word travels".

"Well that was nice", Matt said.
"But he better not have a thing for you or else I'll kick his ass".

I laughed and kissed him.

"Don't worry, id never fall for someone who cheated on his last girlfriend".

"Damn, exposed!", Matt yelled.

"You're so cute", I said, cuddling up next to him.

"I know!".

A few minutes later Matt was completely passed out.

I was up on my phone, when I got a text.

Unknown: Meet me in the lobby in 5

I started freaking out.

Me: Who is this??

Unknown: Oh, it's Chantel, I got a new number

I was relieved that I didn't have another weird person to deal with.

Me: Ok see you soon

I got out of bed quietly and threw on a sweatshirt.

I closed the door slowly and walked to the lobby.

There sat Chantel, Sahar, and Kelsey.

"Hi guys. What's happening?".

I sat down in a chair next to them.

"We need to show you something", Sahar said.

"And you're not going to like it", Chantel added.

"You're freaking me out", I started to sweat.

Kelsey opened her phone and held it out for me to take.

I gasped and dropped her phone.

"No!", I yelled.

What I saw I never imagined would happen in a million years; Demi and Carter

What I saw I never imagined would happen in a million years; Demi and Carter

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