{1} The Start of Old Flames

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Alison's POV

Time doesn't feel real when your whole world comes colliding down all at once. I sit here hopeless, feeling like everything has lost its purpose as I stare at my mother's corpse on the day of her funeral. I let the loose tears drop down slowly then all at once, as I begin to sob right in front of Spencer, Aria, Hanna, and Emily. With their many attempts to comfort and calm me down, I did what I do best and shut them out while I continue to grieve for my mother.

Once the service finally comes to an end, I quickly make my way to the bathroom to fix my falling mascara. I peer over at the mirror while shaking my head as the last memory of my mother floods my mind. I soon feel my knees weakening and as if it was on cue, Emily walks in and indulges me into her arms the second my knees finally gives out. Emily begins to cradle me as I cry over her shoulder, peeking at my mascara, tears and snot are now all over her new Gucci silk black dress.

"I'm sorry for ruining your dress, Em." I sniffle as I rub away the snot from my nose and attempt to wipe away my mess.

"It's alright Ali, I can always send you the bill for it later." Emily winks as she jokes off, trying to lighten the mood as she slowly helps ourselves up by taking my hands into hers.

I laugh in response, amused at the sudden joke before I take my clammy hands back and decide to play along with her tactic to cheer me up. I cross my arms, playfully while raising a curious eyebrow towards her direction.

"Hmmm, so how much will it be Miss Fields?"

Emily tilts her head back, smiling and laughing to herself softly as she takes my hands into hers once again, she slowly begins to caress the top of my knuckles.

"Well for you, anything and everything is on me." she reveals as she bends down to lay a kiss on my hands while maintaining eye contact with me, she lets out another wink as another adorable smirk conquers her face.

I let out a small giggle as my mind overflows the importance Emily has in my life and what I possibly could have done to earn someone as amazing as her by my side. I look deeper into her dark brown eyes, taking in every detail of her beauty. We continue to stand there for quite a while in comfortable silence, just admiring each other as our hands continue to play. Eventually, Emily breaks the silence but never the eye contact.

"Come on, we better get going." Emily nudges me by placing a reassuring hand on my back, she draws small circles with her fingertips, knowing it helps calm me down.

"Okay." I squeak out, surrendering under her touch.

After I fix my mascara, we quickly exit the bathroom. As we peer back into the lobby, sprawled across the only existing seating left were Spencer, Hanna, and Aria, impatiently waiting.

Emily and I could hear the three complaining as we make our way to them. Hanna was hungry, Aria wanted to go home so she could call Ezra and Spencer was getting tired.

"Hey, I could take Ali home." Emily suggests as she slides her arms through her coat while taking in the rest of the girls' faces once we finally got within talking distance to them.

"Okay, we'll see you guys tomorrow." Spencer replies back, completely drowsy and definitely not arguing at the given opportunity to leave.

After briefly exchanging our goodbyes, the girls go on their way, leaving Emily to help take a few things and myself back to my house. During the drive, Emily's eyes stay on the road with a few stolen glances towards my direction here and there. I shiver a bit due to the temperature in the car, I reach over to change it to a more suitable setting and as if she was reading my mind, Emily's hand meets mine on top of the AC.

Our hands linger for a few moments before she retreats back, she glances over, giving me a soft smile before focusing back onto the road. I softly smile as I steal a look in her direction before changing the AC to a warmer setting. Shortly after, we pull in by the side of my house as Emily releases a deep breath before getting out and walking on my side of the car to open my door. I look at her graciously as Emily proceeds to gather the rest of my things and kindly walks me to my front porch.

"Ali, I'm really sorry about your mom."

"It's okay." I let out, in hopes of assuring her, however, Emily shakes her head in disagreement almost simultaneously.

"No, it's not okay. I hate seeing so much bad shit happen to you because you deserve so much better than this but I know karma will get the bitch that keeps doing this shit."

"No, Em it's alright. All in all, shit happens. There's really nothing to do except to accept the inevitable." I respond back while attempting to distract myself by looking for my keys.

"Look Ali, I care about you, you know that. I want nothing more but to keep you safe. You've always been a priority to me..." I briefly look up while Emily looks down and takes in a deep breath before continuing on.

"...so...uh... if you don't mind, I've taken it upon myself to make your safety my number one priority." Emily concludes with a reassuring smile in my direction.

I didn't know what to say. I never thought after all these years that there was someone who could still care for me or even cared at all. The way her words are pure, full of concern, and has actual genuine emotion behind them made my heart melt. I stare deep into her beautiful brown eyes while the feeling of being indulged by the pair, completely unaware of how much I'm leaning in as I'm slowly closing the proximity between us. My face relaxes at the touch of her lips, taking in every crevice of the two and how perfect they fit when pressed against my own.



My eyes shoot wide open as I quickly pull away, just in time before my lips were beginning to beg for more. I take a full step back, thinking I just did a crime by kissing Emily.

"Goodnight, Em." I squeak out as I snatch the rest of my things from her grasp, quickly turning on my heels, unlocking my door and swiftly walking inside my house, trying to escape the situation as fast as I could.

"Goodnight, Ali" Emily attempts to reply back before the door closes shut with my back pressing and sliding down alongside it, my eyes shut closed as I shake my head at what I just did. I delicately brush my lips while trying to reminisce the sweet taste of Emily.

I wait for a few moments before standing back up to look out the window, I could sense the confusion Emily must be experiencing as I watch her face go from confusion to panic to "what the fuck just happened".

Moments later, Emily eventually blinks out of it, gets in her car and drives away. I quietly make my way up the stairs, dragging my legs one by one whilst holding condolence letters in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. I close my bedroom door and land right on my bed, stomach laying flat. A smile slowly creeps upon my face as I touch my lips once more, eyes closing at the memory of the kiss.

I'm falling for her...

I'm falling for Emily Fields.

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