Chapter 24

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Hayley POV

"What? Dead? Oh no!" I screamed. "I'll join you guys at home now" I told my Dad over the phone.

I couldn't wait for the call to end before I started crying. My uncle is dead, the one who got robbed a month ago.

"I can't believe he died. He was already getting better."

The last time I checked on him at the hospital, he looked a lot better. He was even asking about my boyfriend. I told him about Rex and I told him why I don't want people knowing we are dating because he is friend with Harry.

I Remember all he told me that night. He said, "There's no reason hiding whoever I'm in love with."

He made me understand the difference between privacy and secrecy.

He said, "I can keep my relationship private without keeping my partner a secret."

He said and I quote "Hayley, Let the world know, because you never know what the world knows."

Remembering all he said, I couldn't hold my tears anymore, I started wailing.

I promised I was going to bring Rex to him next weekend, where is he now? He is dead!!!.

I cleaned my tears with the face towel I was holding. I looked around and saw people looking at me, some already have there phone on to video me.

"What??" I screamed.

This is just too sad and heartbreaking. I wonder what this world is turning into, Someone is crying and you are busy making a video.

I wonder what is going to be online tomorrow. "Billionaire daughter seen crying in a salon" I hissed at that thought.

"I won't be getting my nails done today. Just finish up with the hair, I will come back" I told the stylist making my hair.

"Ok ma'am" she replied.

As soon as she finished with my hair, I didn't even have the chance to admire the hair, I just left immediately.

Harry POV

I hit my hand on Rex car. I'm sure my eyes are blood red. I doubt if I can hold the tears any longer. As soon as the call ended, I carefully dropped my phone on the Range Rover car I was leaning on.

"I just lost my favorite uncle." I told Rex who was standing beside me.

"Wow! That's serious Man. Was he sick?" Rex asked.

"He got robbed last month. He had an heart attack due to shock, now he is dead." I replied.

"That's bad" he replied.

"You know what's going to be bad? Killing those motherfuckers that robbed an old man in the first place." I answered with rage.

I have to go now. There's no point talking about what's bad or not.

"Do you need me to drive you home?" Rex offered.

"No I'll be fine."

I walked to my car and drove home.

My father is not in the mood to see anyone. He has locked himself in his room and refused to come out.

My mum said he blames himself for his brother  death. He said if he hadn't opened the jewelry store for his brother, he would still be alive.

I just hope he doesn't hurt himself in there. I have knocked his room door countless times, but he wouldn't open. All he says is "leave me alone"

My mum has decided to bring the room door down, before someone tragic happens.

Hayley, has been crying her eyes out too. Apparently, I'm the only one who isn't crying. I am hurt but all I crave for his revenge.

I picked my phone and called the detective handling the robbery case.

I told him how the robbery has lead to the death of the victim, I told him how we wanted justice with immediate effect. All he could say was they are working on it. After the call ended, I called a private investigator and told them to find anything they can find on this armed robbers.

The only thing that can make everybody feel better about Uncle Henry's death is by catching those bastards .

Rex call came through and I picked. He said he is outside my gate. I instructed the security to let him in.

"I just wanted to check if you okay!"Rex said as he entered the living room. 

He greeted few people and came closer to where my sister and I were.

"Hey Hayley" he greeted my sister.

"Hey" she replied without even looking at him twice.

My other friends came in almost at the same time, they greeted people around and sat on the sofa close to us.

"Henry, Hayley!" My mother called us.

She was putting on a black dress. Even with her sad face and swollen eyes, she still look beautiful.

"The carpenters are here to bring the door down. Let's go upstairs to see your father" My mother said.

"I just hope he is fine" Hayley answered.

We all went upstairs following my mother behind.

"Grayson, if you don't open this door now, the carpenters will be forced to bring this door down" my mother shouted.

There was no response from my father still. "Bring this door down."My mother told the carpenters.

Worry was written all over her face. The carpenters were about to drill the door when we heard the door opened.

My mother and sister rushed in the room and hugged my father. I dismissed the carpenters and promised to come pay them later.

I entered my father room and it was a mess. He had already scattered the whole room.

"I killed him" my father said crying.

"No you didn't. You didn't send those robbers to him, did you? It was meant to happen. Yo need to stay strong for you kids Grayson" My mother said holding her husband tightly.

My sister and I decided to give them their moment. We both went downstairs to attend to the guests.

EXTRA MILES FOR LOVE (Editing) 18+Where stories live. Discover now