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Selena Gomez as Anna

CHAPTER FOUR                                 PROPOSAL

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Mark POV

As I dropped from Kent's car, I spotted Christine, she was standing in front of the car. This is going to be war, I thought to myself.

As she saw me coming, she entered the car. I entered the driver side, and started the car. I was really expecting her to say something but she said nothing.

I was nervous! Why is she not talking or shouting, I thought to myself.

Christine and I have been together for 2months. I met her at a club. She gave me a blow job that night which I paid for. I kept in touch with her Because damn! she was really good. Since then we have been meeting and doing all sort! She never asked if I was in a relationship or not and I didn't care if she was too.

"Drop me at the nearest bar" she broke the silence.

"Okay" I replied! "Are you alright"I asked? She didn't answer.

I stopped in-front of a bar and parked the car.

"Do you want me to follow you?"I asked again.

"I will be fine" she said.

She opened the door and picked her bag and dropped from the car.

"Okay!" I replied.

I took a u turn and left the bar.

"That simple!" I said to myself and smiled.

I picked my phone and dialed Anna's number!

"Hello babe! Where are you? At home? Okay! I'll send my driver to pick you up at 8pm!
Alright love you! Bye." I dropped the call.

I already made  reservation at the best restaurant in town! Am excited and nervous about tonight.

"What if she refuses my proposal? "She can't ! I replied myself.

It was already 7pm, I have just an hour to get ready. I sped up and drove home as quick as possible.

I took my bath and changed my clothes. I wore a white shirt and a wine trousers, with a nice shoe to match. I wore my wristwatch and sprayed myself with my latest creed perfume collection.

It was already quarter to 8pm, I took my car keys and headed to the restaurant. I got there 5mins to 8pm.

"Right in time" I said to my self.

The whole place was already decorated. The restaurant was more beautiful. I smiled to myself.

"Beautiful place for a Beautiful woman."

I sat down comfortably in one of the chairs. I was about calling Kent when a waiter came to meet me.

"Sir ," he said.  "The management wants to know if other customers can patronize us while you are here!"

"Sure, But I don't want too much crowd" i replied.

"Okay sir" the waiter responded and left.

I checked my time and it was 8pm already.

"She will be here anytime soon" I said to myself.

I looked at my sweaty hands and cleaned it with the napkin on the table. I looked up and behold was the angel of my life. I signaled to her so she will know where I was seated. She approached me and took a sit opposite me.

"Hey lover" she said

"Hey baby" I replied.

"What's happening tonight? Everywhere is well decorated!" She asked

"I dunno" I replied 

"Maybe they expecting some guest. I just wanna spend time with my lady" I said.

"Hmmm I like that" she replied and smiled.

The waiter came with the menu. We both ordered what we wanted while we were waiting, she talked about what happened in her office.

As soon as the waiter came with the food. We ate in silence.

"You know you can be stubborn at times yh?" I started the convo!

She was looking all surprised.

"Been in a relationship with you is quite frustrating. You are too calm! Too good for me and you know what? I'm tired! I'm tired of this! I'm tired of dating you!"

I paused to look at her face. Her eyes were already red! I can bet she's about to cry. She just sat on the chair, with sadness all over her face, her fist were clenched while looking at me.

I continued, "I'm tired of dating you Anna! I dated you for 2years and now I want something more serious!"

I went on my kneels and took her hand!

I want you to be my wife Anna, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

I dipped my hand in my pocket and brought out the ring, "Will you marry me Anna Todd?"

She stood up with shock in her eyes! I felt a tear drop on my hand.

"You scared the shit out of me" she started crying.

Yes I will marry you Mark.

I put the ring in her third finger and hugged her tight.

Everybody started clapping and screaming. Pictures were taken every angle.

"I thought you were breaking up with me." She whispered.

"I'll never do that" I replied.

She was about saying something when I placed my lips on hers and we started kissing.

EXTRA MILES FOR LOVE (Editing) 18+Where stories live. Discover now