Chapter 11

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Kent POV
Mark and Anna were already at the bar. The place has another side where they entertain karaoke, which is my favorite spot. It's not like I have a good voice to sing, but I enjoy watching people sing.

I spotted Anna on one of the chairs in one corner. She was sitting all alone. I brought out my phone to call Mark before going to where Anna was. I looked towards Anna direction again and saw a Man approaching her.

The man didn't stay up to three minutes before leaving her side. With the reaction on their faces, it's obvious the man was asking Anna for a drink, which she declined.

Such a good girl! I smiled as I saw Mark coming out of the rest room. I pocketed my phone and moved closer to them.

"Hi guys" I said.

I shook hands with Mark, and hugged Anna. I sat down in between them.

I spotted Anna ring on her finger. It was sparkling and fits her well.

I always admire Anna. She's the type of girl have always prayed for. She is loyal and respectful. She's not the type that's after someone else's wealth. 

There was a time She fought Mark because he told her to quit her job, which shows that She isn't lazy like that gold digger Olivia.

At the thought of Olivia name, I remembered what happened between us earlier. I smiled and sipped my drink.

I'm  satisfied with the way am treating her. She doesn't have respect, so she doesn't deserve one.

"What's amusing you man?" Mark broke my thought.

" I need to get to the rest room" Anna said

Mark nodded at her. Anna stood up and left for the rest room.

"Olivia is my latest toy. Am turning her into my sex machine. There's no point letting her go just yet. She has to pay for my money, time and love With her pussy."

Mark looked at me in shock. He placed his drink on the table.

"Who are you man?  Is this my best friend?" Mark asked.

I giggled.

"What?" I asked

He laughed immediately and shook my hand again.

"Am proud of you boy! You beginning to learn.
That bitch deserve worse guy" Mark said

"I had anal sex with her earlier!"

"The fuck man!!"


"You did that ? How is that?" He asked

I looked down and rubbed my chin. I was feeling a little embarrassed.

"Well. I did it with the intention of hurting her. I know how much she hates people who do anal. But damn Man, I kinda enjoy it."

"You need to see the expression on her face."I laughed  heavily.

"It was priceless man" I added

Anna came back looking very pissed. Her facial expression says it all.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Her fiancé asked her.

"It's not a big deal" she answered sharply

"Just some random girl who hit me with her shoulder. I'm so sure she did it intentionally. She didn't even apologize." She said

"Is she drunk?" Mark asked.

"I have no idea"

"Am sure she is" she said as she opened her bag to take something.

Christine POV

I need someone to light up my spirit. Have been way too down this week. I just want to have a clear mind today, without thinking about those two.

I called my friend Didi, so as to hang out with her. I told her to come pick me up in my house.

I'm not in the mood to drive. I'm actually too tired to do anything.

Mark bought me the car am driving. He said he doesn't like the fact that I don't have one.

The car isn't that big, but I like it much. It's a Toyota Corolla 2017 model. It has a silver color.

Am still wondering why he bought me a car, if he doesn't love me.

Didi decided to take me for a karaoke show. I was reluctant at first. I just wanted to go to a bar and get drunk, but she insisted on the karaoke show.

I followed her because she told me, I can as well get drunk there.

I was about getting down from the car when I saw the guy I saw with Mark the other day.

I don't know his name but I recognize him. I told Didi about him and pointed him out to her.

"That's Kent jones,that guy is one of the multimillionaire on this side of the earth." Didi said.

"What do you expect, only rich are friends with rich" I told my friend Didi.

I decided to let him in first, because I didnt want to walk into him.

Few minutes later, Didi and I decided to enter for the show.

As soon as I entered, I saw Mark sitting in one corner with his friend and that stupid girl Anna.

I was jealous and Angry at the same time. I quickly hid my face and sat down far from them.

I was watching them from far. I couldn't take my eyes off them. They were talking about something that's making them happy.

"Stupid people" I murmured

"One more shot pls" I told the waiter beside me

"Alright" the waiter said.

I looked at their direction again. And I saw Anna standing up.

"I'm sure she's going to the rest room" Didi said

I stood up immediately to follow her.

I entered the rest room a minute after her.

She was applying more lipstick to her lips when I saw her.

I was disgusted by her presence. That girl is just lucky. It's not like she's all that fine.
I'm more beautiful than her you know. I wonder what Mark see in her. She is ugly fam. I feel like she is smelling. I said to myself!

I spotted the ring on her finger. They were shinning and dazzling. I wonder why she hasn't been robbed yet.

I wanted to tell her to leave my boyfriend alone but I decided against it.

I stood by the door accessing her from head to toe. She noticed I was looking at her and said hi.

Did I just hear hi?

Is she saying hi to me? I looked around in search of who she could probably be saying hi too.

Definitely not me.

I hissed loudly. She looked at me in shock and said nothing.

When she wanted to pass, i used my shoulder to hit her hard.

"Awww" she screamed.

"Are you drunk?" She asked me

"You the drunk one bitch " I said and walked to the mirror.

She looked at me and left the rest room in a haste.

"God saved that bitch." I said to myself.

"Why didn't you come for me? Weak ass bitch" I screamed and hit my fist on the wall.

EXTRA MILES FOR LOVE (Editing) 18+Where stories live. Discover now