Its Cold

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By: multi-fandomoneshots
From: Tumblr

It was only dawn when you were woken by Minho stirring next to you. You groaned softly, turning over and slinging an arm across his stomach and closing your eyes again. He sighed, and his breath ruffled your hair.

“Come on, love. You know I have to go,” he coaxed softly.

You grumbled incoherently, already halfway back to sleep. “Stay. It’s warm here.”

“What you really mean is, this blanket is really thin and if you get up I’ll have to get up too because I’ll get cold,” he said, trying to stop a laugh from creeping into his voice.

“Shush. Just go back to sleep.”

“Can’t do. Sorry.” He shoved your arm away carefully, then rolled away from you and got up before you could grab him again. You glared at him reproachfully.

“You know how important my job is. I have to go, Y/N. Don’t look at me like that,” he sighed as he reached for his shirt.

“Yeah, I know,” you sighed, giving in to real life and sitting up properly. “Be careful out there, alright?”

“Of course. Have a good day, love.”

And then he sprinted out of the room and was gone.

You took a moment to rub your eyes wearily, then you braced yourself to get to your feet too. Getting up wasn’t as easy for you as it had been for Minho, not any more. As soon as you set your feet on the ground, the same old pain shot through your ankle. You set your jaw, getting to your feet determinedly. Even if you couldn’t run any more, you could still walk. An aching ankle wouldn’t stop that.

The little room off the Homestead you shared with Minho was freezing now that you weren’t asleep anymore, so you dressed as fast as you could and then hurried out across the Glade, towards the kitchen. It was still early, so the Glade was deserted. You preferred it that way- the boys who had been here when you had the accident knew better than to stare at you as you limped your way to the kitchen, but the newer boys still did. It drove you mad.

The kitchen was just as cold as everywhere else in the bunker, so the first thing you did was light the fires. While you waited for it to get warmer, you set to getting porridge ready for the rest of the boys. There wasn’t much point in wasting time.

It would keep your mind off wondering if Minho was okay, at any rate.

When Frypan came in, you barely turned to greet him. “Morning.”

“Morning,” he greeted you back. “You know, you don’t have to get up so early, Y/N. You’re not a Runner anymore.”

“I know,” you said easily, doing your best not to let the words prickle you. “I just can’t sleep in.”

He shook his head, but got to work alongside you. “So what do you think of the new Glader?”

“Seems like a shuck-face to me.” You thought about the boy who’d arrived yesterday- he hadn’t really been different to any of the other newbies. He’d taken off running like some of them did- not that anyone ever got far. “There’s nothing new about him, is there?”

“Guess not. He sure rattled Gally, though.”

“That’s not hard,” you scoffed.


After the Gladers began trickling in for breakfast, you didn’t get a real break for hours. This was one of the reasons why you’d chosen to come and help Frypan after your accident- working in the kitchens didn’t leave much time for thinking about the freedom you’d lost, about the nagging pain of your ankle, about the never-ending worry you felt for Minho.

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