Making Amends

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By: short-storiesforyou
From: Tumblr

“What the hell was that?”

I sigh heavily before turning towards the loud voice, wincing at the pull in my sore muscles as I do so. If I wasn’t so exhausted, I would’ve laughed at the frustration radiating from the tall boy, his face red up to his ears. Minho takes long strides towards me, and for a second I’m worried he’ll collide with me, knowing all too well how his strong body would cause my smaller frame to collapse. At this point, I think even the smallest gust of wind would knock me over.

There’s a loud noise behind me, and we both look towards the resonating sound, watching as the large doors close. I look back at him and see the redness has faded slightly, but his eyes are hard, his posture stiff. When he notices my stare, he throws out his hands in a gesture towards the now closed doors, raising his eyebrows at me. In response, I roll my eyes at him.

“Do you have any idea what would’ve happened if you hadn’t made it back in time?” he hissed, his hands clenching though visibly shaking in anger. I can tell he’s restraining himself.

I’ve never felt particularly threatened by the Keeper of the Runners, even though he is clearly the strongest amongst us. I know he’d never hurt anyone intentionally so I’m not exactly scared; though there was something about the way his eyes are glinting, the way his hand continuously clenches and unclenches

I don’t understand the intense reaction and don’t know how to respond to it, so I try to behave normally – or at least what’s normal for us.

“But I did make it back in time. What’s the problem?”

“The problem? You were out there for hours, long after the other runners returned, and nearly didn’t make it back in time and you ask what the problem is?” he fumes, his voice rising in volume.

The accusation is clear in his tone, which only agitates me.

“Yes, because I don’t see the problem! I made it back didn’t I? I can take care of myself, you don’t have to tell me what to do and treat me like a child!”

I raise my voice in respond to his and focus on standing straight and tall, ignoring the fatigue gnawing at my legs. I curse inwardly as I sway slightly on my feet, too sore from running all day, but there’s no way I’m letting that stop me; ever since I arrived here and was announced runner, he’s been nagging at my heels telling me what to do, how to do it, and always criticising me whenever things didn’t go his way.

“Then stop acting like one! You can’t even walk three steps without doing damage on yourself!”

At this, I scoff loudly, taking a step closer to him so we’re almost chest to chest.
“Oh please, you’re the one always having to get everything your way. If anyone’s a child here, it’s you!” To emphasise, I poke him square in the chest, but he doesn’t move an inch. It annoys me how he just stands there, unaffected by me.

“Why does it matter what I do? I’m just like everyone else, why do you treat me differently?” I’ve reached the point where I’m yelling; my head feels light and my whole body protests from still standing up. With all my frustration, all the exhaustion catching up on me, I gather my last energy and give him one final push:

“Why do you even care?”

Instead of answering, he lets out a frustrated growl and puts his hands on either side of my face, pulling me closer.

I don’t know what I expect. But I certainly don’t expect lips to meet mine in an angry kiss. He pushes close, as close as can get, his hands gripping my head so tight I would be afraid of bruises forming if I wasn’t currently engaged otherwise. That’s when I realise, I haven’t kissed back yet, and I feel the uncertainty growing in him, causing him to slowly pull away. Before he’s able to, I lean forward closing the small distance he was starting to create and bite his lip gently.

I feel the sigh of relief surging through his body, as he leans close again, letting his hands drop to my waist, while I let mine clasp around his neck. The kiss slows down but also turns more passionate as he tilts my neck slightly to gain more access. His tongue licks my bottom lip and I open my mouth to let it enter.

It’s all so amazing and confusing at the same time but I find that I simply cannot resist.

Eventually, we have to pull back for air though, but we don’t pull back further away than still being able to feel each other’s breaths. Our noses touch and I can’t help the smile spreading from the charm of it all.

“I care –“ he gasps, breaths still heavy from the intense kiss. His thumb caresses my chin and seeing my smile, a similar one appears on his face. “– because I’m in love with you.”

His voice is so incredibly soft, at first I think I’m imagining it. Then I look up into his eyes and see the naked truth and hope in them.

I’m about to answer, say that it’s all so unreal, that it’s all so perfect, and that I’m in love with him too; but before I’m able to, my legs finally give out, collapsing beneath me.

I expect the ground but strong arms circle me and support me before I fall. Then it’s not only his arms, but his whole body that wraps around me, his face hiding in my neck.

“Don’t ever be late again,” he mumbles, tightening his grip around me. I sigh, slumping in his embrace, capturing the moment to tease him about worrying later.

After all, if every fight turns out like this, I need all the reasons I can get.

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