Chapter 6: A Little (Not So Friendly) Competition

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Her friend had dragged her out to some bar. Apparently, it was some special, extraordinary, night where bands and musicians of all kinds were performing—her friend's boyfriend included. Spencer actually liked to find local bands to listen too, but some of the acts were just god awful. She suddenly felt the agony of judges on American Idol and The X Factor and every other singing competition TV show. Sure, some of them were good—great even, but worth sitting through all the other horrendous acts? She wasn't sure.

The next act that was announced made her jaw drop.

Did they just say Toby Cavanaugh? Seriously? Of all bars in Philadelphia, out of all the nights, he was performing here, tonight?

She didn't know how she felt about this. As Toby stepped on stage, and made sure his guitar was tuned right, her friend made a comment about his hotness. "He's so hot, if he can sing, then I'm officially his groupie."

Spencer grimaced, rolling her eyes, "Matter of fact, I know him. We went to high school together, and now we're both part of this bridal party." She told her friend, annoyance in her voice.

"Then you need to introduce me to that fine piece of man." The blond purred, staring down the man on the stage with hunger in her eyes. "Oh wait," she groaned, "I have a boyfriend." Her words came out in a sigh. "Can he sing?" she suddenly asked, looking towards Spener with her eyebrows raised slightly.

Spencer looked at her for a moment before responding, "I don't know." The response was more of a mumble than anything.

Right after Spencer's response, Toby's voice came through the microphone—blasting out of the speakers around her. He was telling the audience how he was so honored to be here, but Spencer didn't look at it as much of an honor. They just about let anyone perform tonight.

He said how it was an original song, which only interested her more to hear him. Yes, she was interested in something Toby Cavanaugh was doing, but only because she wanted to see how bad he was. She would fully enjoy the laugh when he completely humiliated himself.

After he finally stopped blabbering, he began to play. The tune was soothing and relaxing, and you could tell it was a slow song that you would listen to while trying to fall asleep. When Toby began to sing, Spencer fell in a sort of awe. He was actually pretty good. He had one of those voices that was unique, but familiar. It brought you home.

And the song, the song was great. Spencer didn't even understand how he came up with it. He made the music, he wrote the lyrics, and he orchestrated the whole thing. It was truly beautiful.

When it was over, Toby came off stage. People were patting him on the back and telling him he did a great job. He had this smile on his face. This kind of smile that lit up each of his features and made him glow. Spencer couldn't remember ever seeing this smile on him.

She found herself smiling at the sight, but she quickly adverted her stare and turned her smile upside down. What was she doing?

"Aren't you going to go talk to him?" the blond asked her.

She stayed silent and still. The question floated through her mind for a long time until she reached a solution. "I wouldn't want to leave you alone," Spencer said.

"I was actually going to go wish Noel luck," the girl made a guilty face.

"Oh," Spencer's face dropped.

"I mean if you don't want to go talk to hunk angel voice over there, you can come. But believe me if I were you..." the blonde's eyes traveled to the man across the bar. "I would go visit that fine ass."

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