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Behind all your stories is your Mother's story, for hers is where yours begins.

Brooklyn said she would clear the pregnancy aroma as best as she could after using the bathroom after me, sticking the three tests into the back of her pockets. After closing the bathroom door, she held a finger over her lips when she saw the look on my face. "Tell him when you are ready to." Her fingers pulled to her head as she tapped her fingers against her temple. "Still be cautious up here."

I tried to control the shaking of my body when Andrew's footfalls could be heard climbing the stairs, standing nervously by the bed while I debated whether to sit or not. Brooklyn gave me a final warning look before she opened the door, Andrew slowing to a stop as he entered the room and looked over us in observation.

Brooklyn tried to assure Andrew that a trip to Doctor Cason was not necessary for now and that I was doing fine. He looked at me cautiously, not believing her fully as his eyes ran over my face.

She had left us and closed the door behind her, leaving Andrew and I alone with the secrets.

He cautiously made his way to stand in front of me, hands resting against my hips before he pulled my body closer to greet me. I held my breath at the embrace, raising my heavy arms to wrap around his body too.

"What is it?" Andrew looked down at me, a slight headache pinching at the center of my forehead as he tried to sneak around my thoughts. When he was denied, I watched him frown and narrow his eyes at me.

Unable to look him in the eyes and lie to him, I buried my face into his chest and hid from him. "Nothing."

Andrew sighed and pulled away from me, rubbing his warm hands down my back in a comforting manner before pulling on my arm to follow him to the bed. "I'm sure I've warned you already that you'll never be able to lie to me, so it worries me a little that you'd continue to try."

He sat on the edge of the bed, patting the space beside him until I sat down too. By the expression on his face, I could tell he was annoyed but hadn't read my thoughts like I had worried. Andrew was still in the dark, giving me some more time to pull myself together.

He pulled me to his side by my waist and I fell into his touch willingly, resting my head on his shoulder and mentally praying for him to forgive me.

"Emily? What's bothering you, baby?"

I held his hand in mine, spinning his wedding band around his finger as I got a little distracted. "Will you sit with me? Just for a moment?" I was a coward, afraid to tell him and see his reaction when in all honesty - I didn't even know how I was feeling about this.

Andrew nodded his head, brushing my face with his thumb before his body relaxed next to me. "I will do anything and everything with you, if that's what you want." He was trying to understand, doing his best to not overwhelm me but at the same time wanted to solve the things that bothered me. I linked our arms, holding his in my hands in front of me while Andrew rested his chin on my head to keep me close. "Did I do something wrong? Something that hurt you?"

My lips shook into a nervous smile, my panic threatening to boil over if I continued to grow overwhelmed. "Well - I guess you can say we both did something."

Andrew's thumb ran over my bottom lip when he noticed me flustered, trying to wipe away the quivering. "You've blocked me out of your mind - I can't read anything." I could feel the tears roll down my skin, Andrew rushing to wipe them away as they came, his face furrowing in concern before a low growl underlined his words. "You're crying - and I don't know how to help you."

He stood from the bed, standing in between my legs while holding my face in his hands. With eyes running wildly over my face, Andrew tried again to pry into my mind and once again I had to force him to stay out.

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